Engineering 75-100

I find it impossible to level this profession through crafting orders. But it seems to be the only way to level the profession as the only crafts that give me skill points are bracers, engineering helmet or profession gear.

Engineering seems to have the hardest time to find customers but my customer list is reduced to zero because I can’t craft gear or profession gear at rank 5. I can only get to rank 4 if inspiration procs. I have been an engineer since day 1 and most of my knowledge points have gone towards + skill on such crafts. Which means I can only get to rank 5 crafts if I can level the profession to 100. But without customers it’s an impossible thing to do.

My only real option appears to be wasting tons of gold to craft profession gear from 75-100. Profession gear I will end up vendoring since it is BoP.

Am I doing something wrong or is every engineering coping with this feeling of abandonment?

Fisherfriend is pretty cheap to make. Doesn’t use mettle either.

Thank you. I’ll surely look into that.

this hapends when u dont go gnome :rofl:
that +5 gnome radical had let u unlock the recept at 80 :stuck_out_tongue:

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