Engineering Combat-Rez Removal REEE (Update) Eng-Rezz is back! 😁

oh wel i used to have 3 ress toys as energeering so rip energeering time to unlearn energeering

I’m fine with this change, as it caused homogenization of classes. Engineer bres was too cheap, I always have multiple stacks of those on me. And it doesn’t feel right that I as a warrior can battle res.

Meh… i don’t have engineering on any char but this sucks.
Blizz is ruining fun again. :confused:

They would have been better off offering facilities such as this to all professions.
Since Blizz is removing in SL scrolls, maybe they should just tie them to professions, each profession can make an item that does something like the following:

Main Professions:

  • Alchemy: Vial of Alacrity for Stampeding Roar
  • Blacksmithing: Grinding stone for 5% AP like Battleshout
  • Enchanting: Wand of Empowerment for 5% magic damage increase like Chaos Brand
  • Engineering: Jumper Cables for Battle Ress
  • Inscription: Rune of Transportation for Demonic Gateway type summoning
  • Jewelcrafting: Jewel of Light Refraction for Shroud :slight_smile:
  • Leatherworking: Bon-go Drums for Bloodlust
  • Tailoring: Embroidery of Mythrilium for Divine Protection

Support professions

  • Herbalism: Essence of Augmentation(plant essence) for Wind-walking
  • Mining: Metallurgical Residuum for Devotion Aura
  • Skinning: Skin oils bowl(yes you drink this) for Fortitude

Ofc these shouldn’t work in arenas or rated bg’s.

This way professions are actually useful in combat and not just some gold-making system.

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Ignored content

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They generally do unless they’re restoration, yeah.

God forbid druids and DK’s offer something that Mr. massive-cleave-from-range-jump-around-like-lunatic-cheesing-half-the-mechanics-having-massive-utility-sets-with-immunities does not.

You know things are messed up when you see 3 hunters in almost every group during an entire M+ tournament and literally 0 ferals for the entire expansion.

Now that we’re at it, can we please restore a niche for Enhancement Shamans? Demon Hunter overlaps far too much.

Combat ress should be baseline for all healers as same is interrupt for dps.


Oh don’t get me started. You know my saga of BfA started with the fact that I loved Legion feral and had decided to reroll it as my main. Not balance, resto or guardian. Feral. I had decided i step down as raid tank and go melee dps. Druid also seemed good idea for days, when you need to trim that melee and have more ranged (some fights in bfA were like that i predicted this as well knowing Blizzard).

I tried. I really tried to love it. Or be as good as my dk, so I went to Uldir as DK. And then i hear they buff feral, and I go do M+ and am like mythic raid ready, but all that gymnastic and something did not feel right. It felt slow, it felt low. I then went to play on alt raids as survival hunter instead.

Come last raid. Nyalotha. My feral dps was ok, her M+ dps was ok… only that dk did more, dh did more, warriors did more and I just took my dk and monk and went my marry way to tank in mythics.

Troughout BfA I tried to be feral. I love my druid, but I never could enjoy it. Even when their dps and performance got buffed something did not feel right. It was like an illusion in Suramar that kept falling off.

I did do HC nyalotha, but I never found it worthy enough to bring her to mythic. My guild would have not stopped me. But … I just sulked. bfA was supposed to be my feral expansion as feral in legion was just best thing ever.

Here was my rant of the day :frowning:

Expansion after shadowlands : We decided to remove heroism & heals from pet bcuz hunter too op lol

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Bring the class not the profession.

I was already sick of people asking if i had engineering brez in my M+ pug applications.

And lets be real: Engineering is in a prestigious state as a profession for a long time, it’s time for others to be more useful.

Battle scrolls were also a good riddance.

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I think that’s a good change from a design perspective but a lot of players have invested hours in engineering just for this. Well it lasted as long as it lasted ultimately this was fairly new to engineering and I think it is better to be forgotten.

Engineering should be like other professions: stuff you sell not an enhancement to your class. We were at the point were you SHOULD be an engineer; so players basically had one profession slot.

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I’m not too buggered about it, our DK tank was running around with 3 battle resses at some point during our mythics, if anything this in a way heightens the skill ceiling a tad as you can’t always rely on a battle ress and have to be a bit more careful with your pulls.

Still sucks to see professions not really have any real uses anymore though ngl

You mean be useless, boring and unimaginative ?

Curious how Priests, with 2 healing specs, don’t have a Battle Res… meanwhile freaking Death Knights do. :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

This makes my Mage with Engineering sad… as I blinked to the dead to use cables on. :frowning:

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You could have asked why warlocks have it… death knights raise dead people. It is like their lore thing. A death knight combat ressing would even make more sense than druids or warlocks. But druids keep their CR likely till the end of wow because it has become one their iconic abilities from the days they had no normal res.

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cries for the hunters

Engineering has gone as OP profession in every aspect of the game for far too long.

yeah kinda, it’s unthinkable by blizz that rdudu are out of the m+ meta. the rise of the holy pala in this patch was clearly a mistake that has to be fixed.
so no more eng brez, everyone back on the rdudu train for keys.

That has to be the best typo this year.

RIP eng, seems like need to reroll another 1. Mostly think about that can do empty legendaries in SL, coz this will costs tones of gold and much time to grind or ofc you can buy tones of tokens and buy it from auc.

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