Engineering Feedback

-Mixed feeling with Engineering altho it provides some additional good uses also feels very limited or requires a vast amount of knowledge to understand what path to take to max it out 1/100 Skill.

• Lacking Combat Resurrection for Mythic Plus for those who don’t run a class for CR.

• Bombs not widely accessible for Keys or other content that isn’t open world - Also Shares Cool down with combat potions Also crafted items that allow you to use Trinker also share the same Cool down. Making this a very limited choice unless you have some custom build using Ring from first boss. If you’re a leather user just use the helmet it from leather working. You’ll never use anything from Engineering. Unless it’s bracers even then.

•Altho controversial, Not having away to extract [Spark of Ingenuity] from existing Crafted items that may no longer be of use to the player after raiding or maybe they got tier token that night for that specific slot or weapon. Engineering having an option to use there 1 Week Cooldown to assist in fixing mistakes for those who are clearly asking for giving engineers more reason to stay this profression instead of dropping it for Alchemy or Enchanting and Blacksmithing.

I’ve always liked engineering but i feel it’s lacking something more so than it has in the last few expansions.


Bring back engineering battleress please. And I dont mean improve the tinker. Remove the tinker and bring back the consumable item.

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