Engineering points & inventions

Hia folks

Trying to figure out a few points. I’ve been on 100 for around a week and half, and have since found one treasure with a “knowledge point”, as opposed to 1-2 per day. I’ve also found all the purple treasures with boosters. If I understand correctly the only way to grind points are the NPC work orders?

Also , the inventions have stopped giving any result. At all. They are now a waste of parts. Is this corret or am I missing something?

Every week you get two KP, not one, just dig more until you find two treasures with KPs.
Inventions will give you new recipes when you open new trees, eg. if you open bracers, you will get bracer recipes from invent.

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Thanks on the head’s up for the inventions. And is there anyway to map those treasures other than “dumb luck”?

No. It’s just luck. Keep digging, you will eventually get your weekly cap.

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