Enh shaman pve dps boost

am not much of pvper , so ill try to focus on what matters for me which is PVE, enh shaman dps is lacking behind . maybe a buff could help . only played as tanks or trihard pvpers

honestly i feel bad for anyone playing enh right now , it’s really awfull how behind they are

Still better than rogues.

they want us to play a “power fantasy” by going balls out in naxx but can’t be arsed to revert all the nerfs we had to eat along the way… sad .

Also , why only priest recolor for shadow set? Aggrend new main class? New cool visual for the blade of the inquisition while our bis weapon is a lvl40 breadstick from stv -_-

Shaman enhance is punished snake

But can you remove 2550 armor with a single ability?

Paladin running around 1-tapping everyone including bears and warriors with controlled burst and windfury if there’s a kitty within 100 yards = fine.

Enhancement shaman breaking 2k dps in raids with rng burst = nerf for being OP