ENHA PvP is a totally disaster spec, HORRIBLE

Pls i want enha not buffed but viable blozzard do we have to wait seasons again to be good ?

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Just interrupt the lock with all you have, totems are really good against lock.

Nerf Thirst overperforming classes in dmg let them be mobile but not with high dmg and high selfheal.

And i mean those classes:

Because the biggest selfheal is coming from Affliction lock. Demo and destruction needs a tiny(Demo) or a mid tier(destruction) buff. If they won’t do something against the mobility melees.

Im looking at ladder and dont think that demo needs any kinda buff😳

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How can enhancement be viable if it’s not buffed? It is LACKING things right now which is why it’s not viable. They nerfed all our spenders so we currently have no burst and very bad self-healing. Enhance would not be viable at high rating until it gets buffed.

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Totems are really good? I think Shaman Talents in general are bad, only Thorim Invocation is good

Post here if you want to have a chance for some changes .

ps : and Devs don’t PvP, that’s why balance is crap.

Paladin is a still in a far better state than enhance, be it in mobility, defensives or damage, but still bad when compared to other melee specs.

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Because you are stupid ladder only tells you who is always above nothing about balance in real. High rated player will always be up there. You should look at all ratings to get an overview of balance.

I wasnt rude with you at all at first. Demo warlock is having one of the highest representation between all specs in the game at higher ratings and strong in general. Once blizz nerf dh and furry you will feel godlike because those 2 are out of line and ruin balance for everybody else.

Out is even running the game for demo. Like i said high mobility should never have high dmg.

Thats because if anything it needs a nerf…

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Only against destru and maybe affli a bit. Demo can easily chain cc you with axe toss openings forcing you to preemptively place tremor totem which is hard against a class with instant cc’s from a far range. Grounding is also pretty bad vs. Demo and Affli if you plan to stop their dmg with it. It’s only good against destru in that regard to soak some chaosbolts.

Enh is not amazing but this post is too biased for me. It certainly has strong burst and it certainly has really good offheals.

Why do people always have immensely exaggerate? This isnt helping your cause

What are you talking? Totems are great against any lock spec, Tyrant dmg don’t count for tremor totem. Same goes for grounding, it eats a lot of spells from my pets.

You don’t know what you are talking about.

  • You need a lot of melee uptime to build your damage
  • Healing is crap
  • You sacrifice MW, which means damage, to heal

Meanwhile pure dps classes are healing passively while shredding your face.

No mobility, no direct stun, abilities based about stupid totems that get destroyed the moment they drop, 1 defensive, no MS, no execute, so no, ENh is not amazing, it’s absolutely the WORST melee spec to play in PvP, since WOD.

There is nothing to exaggerate, there’s only facts.

It’s not about that. A non demo lock can’t stun me from afar. He has to come close for coil → fear which is easier to prevent than the chain cc from a demo. Also wasting grounding to soak some pet dmg isn’t worth it at all. It’s about to prevent getting cc’d in the open so you can LoS the demo lock during tyrant/netherportal uptime.

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You can use the root Totem against the pets. How is the cd of that totem?

Had that in 3s with the Nether Portal build. I hate that build.

I guess you would agree that blizzard should give demo a rework to mop style? Easier to balance and fight against.

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Root-Totem is now universal for all shaman specs but with 1 min CD which sucks. Has the same CD as the almighty capacitor totem which isn’t very good either. Regarding demo locks I don’t really know. They have to fulfill its spec fantasy somehow. Maybe make it into something like a demon lord of only one but powerful demon which you can empower with your dmg rotation instead of a zookeeper but it’d be hard to differentiate between the other lock specs then…

It is always ready for the pets. Try to only get the Felguards and dogs with it. Tyrant often bugs out if los’ed. So don’t let him come in melee range, before that he won’t cast.

You don’t know how mop demo was?
Here a video:

Didn’t play back then. I joined the party during legion… But this gameplay looks pretty cool tbh. Yeah I could imagine demos to be like that.^^

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It is more fun than now, i really like demo with the Felguard but i want the dmg coming from me but only from stupid ai and npcs. And to be honest balancing this summoner style won’t end good for both sides either we have Legion demo which was crap or we have DF demo where 95% of dmg comes from the pets. And it is strong for 3s and 2s i think God tier?