Enhacement build

Hello fellow shamans

New enhacement shaman here, i choose this class because it reminds me to my first MMO class, bear shaman in Age of Conan, dont think most of you know about this game /class, but its a melee class that empowers his attacks and his allies with the power of nature elements.

Once said this, Id like to find the most physycall build possible for enh shaman, and ask you guys if its viable for end game content

Than you for your help

The physical build used to be better in the past season, but the design of the current tier set means that the elementalist build is generally the preferred one.

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Not worth it. Undergeared hunters, mages or locks are doing 25% more damage then fully geared enh shaman. That will not change.


Hi guys,

What do you think about this “physical/melee” build?¿ An y tip / help is welcome!

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As long as you are playing solo/low level content (meaning content that you can clear with anything), then 100% go for it.

If you want to be “somewhat” competitive, then I would suggest searching for either the elementalist or storm build, which will be somewhat competitive with other specs.

Again, feel free to do what you want and just enjoy your game, the only thing is that IF you try to do high end content, you will have to search for competitive builds/gear.

As for the build, no it is not competitive, since enh at the moment cannot support a purely physical build.

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