Why is enhance the only spec that has to choose between Ascendance and deeply rooted elements? I think if we were allowed to have both like the other specs it would help enhance to be so much more viable and fun, thoughttS?
It would be alot more fun, but it could become to strong.
Ascendance can sometime kill stuff very quick
And we all know what happens what something becomes strong. They will generally nerf Asc and leave us with both DRE and Asc nerfed to the ground.
So its a no
DRE lasts not long enough to be super strong
ascendance itself is also super weak, just that it autoblasts lightning bolts or whatever makes it strong
Dre was good on ptr and changed (rekted) one day before patch release.
What do you mean by ‘help enhance to be so much more viable’?
It is already the best spec in the game at the moment.
But I agree, it should have access to both DRE and Ascendance. However it would be a nightmare to balance.
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