Enhance: T-Set Bonus bug?

I usually play Ele, so excuse me when I make a mistake here.

I was trying to get better at enhancer so I went to the dummy.

And than I saw something that made me a bit worried. The setboni reads: when summoning a feral spirit you reduce PW CD by 7 seconds.
→ Using Feral Spirits should reduce the CD of PW by 14 secs since you summon two.

The thing is, I saw only a 7 sec reduction everytime I use the CD. I did this for 5 minutes and it was allways 7 seconds.

Am I wrong?

Maybe someonelse should try it, if its a bug…

Thanks for the answers and testing

You hit the PvP dummy by mistake in Valdrakken and therefore entered PvP mode. PvP halves the value of the tier set.

Strange, since I didnt really hit anything other than the normal dummy…

tried it on the turnip, works normaly again… So you are probably right, thanks alot <3

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