£70 Is this official? If it is then it’s priced like your paying for TBC game again like paying for a new xpat. It’s over priced when we already payed for TBC years ago.
They just couldnt help themselves, they just had to try and cash in on those of us with zero interest in classic by adding a retail mount. This is absolutly disgusting!
I think you’ll be able to buy the retail mount separately, they mention about buying items seperate.
Most of this reply has little to do with the argument that I was making. Yes I could voice my opinion and anger towards the soup company but I prefer to not bother shouting into a meaningless void.
They have my money. I have the service I paid for at that time. Complaining about how they use my money isn’t going to bring it back.
If they change the constitution of the soup I like into a soup I no longer like then I stop paying and find a different soup that I do like.
I also prefer to look at the store as extras rather than a core part of the soup I ordered in the first place, much like a pot of crotuons as an extra I could pay for if I wanted the croutons.
We are never going to agree. Just like your other post, I can afford to pay for a 6 month sub at a time and base that on the knowledge that I shall almost certainly get enough enjoyment out of the game for the price I am paying, more so because it is less than i would pay for 6 individual months. Every now and then I get a free mount that I don’t have to pay extra for. That’s my view, you have yours and I don’t think either of us will convince the other to change their view.
Retail is accessible without a subscription up to level 20. False.
Well yeah. Blizzard can do nothing wrong in your eyes and whatever MTX they add you will happily eat up.
That you want to stay in that bubble, while the rest of the players are leaving is up to you. That you happy with that, is up to you. But sooner or later that bubble will burst and the game will be put on maintenance mode.
Hell, it’s halfway there already with the recycled crap they put out every expansion since Legion.
Activision, you really are just a bunch of money grabbing scumbags.
OMG I cannot wait for the day your subscription is up and I don’t have to see the words MTX coming from you again.
exactly. 2007 game, and they charging $30-70 for services. i always said this would be a bad part of classic, charging us again for a product that i bought 14 years ago and which has physically been sitting on my shelf all that time. i dont think anyone actually has physical discs for SL or BfA!
dont mean to sound all tinfoil hat, but im beginning to wonder if WoW is actually in a worse state than any of us think, and blizz is trying to make as much money in the short term as possible cause they know their product of wow is not sustainable.
the removal of 30 day time options, and doubling down of extortionate costs for shop services etc.
and lets be honest, coding must be a nightmare for staff now. they try to change the colour of a BfA cape, and end up breaking a questchain in Dustwallow, deleting an npc vendor in Stranglethorn, under-tuning a trinket reward in Thousand Needles and making skeleton mobs fly in Eastern Plaguelands.
Wowhead found the information published by Blizzard elsewhere
Ofcourse, their revenue went up despite them losing players during COVID lol. They’re desperate to milk the remaining playerbase but sooner or later it will all collapse on its own or they will just put wow on maintenance mode and milk out the loyal whales some more.
I think that’s a logical step since the product itself is on the decline. I mean, look at the amount of content we will get after nearly a year. It’s barebones. I would even say that WoW is close to maintainance mode.
I was kind of on the fence if i wanted to play TBC to begin with…
However the choice was made very easy with all these bs monetization systems.
I’m sorry for all you guys that feel like you have to spend money on stuff like various copies, boosts and “editions”.
Bar Shcag? You’ll have to be a bit tipsy to make it work but it does work
Wait, what? Did this actually happen? O_O
lol not specifically, but several times things from old expansions have been unintentionally changed by trying to fix bugs etc in newer expansions.
one example is scalebelly in STV who now again drops the chromatic sword.
it disappeared in Cata with old world revamp, but then came back with 7.3.5 scaling unintentionally.
would have been funny if the flying skellies in EPL was real though
im glad. shame we cant buy more then 1 boost though also shame we cannot buy char boosts for vanilla.
hopefully in future they will intorduce also those changes.
thanks to this i will be able to play some TBC endgame - because for sure i wouldnt waste time leveling 1-70.
wasting 100 hours leveling vs buying boost ? choice is obvious .
Don’t feed the troll guys.
I made so much money off that sword dropping again, got it the day it was accidentally added back and sold it for like 2M gold.
The stuff they break/accidentally re-add is weird.
Its been confirmed. The mount speed scales. It will not be fast at level 40