Enhance Your Gameplay: Accessibility Updates Now Live

Yes I love the quests there! The Silverpine ones are pretty nice too :smiley:

And the Taurajo ones are sad :frowning:

The undead (I imagine forum won’t let us write his name) for warchief! He’d be a big step up from the genius of Thrall and Garrosh.

Johnny Awesome was the funniest for me :slight_smile:

Look at me, peasant. Heirlooms cover my body from head to toe, gifted to me by the greatest heroes Azeroth has ever known.

Now look at yourself.

Quickly, look back at me.

Yes, this IS horse made of STARS.

Where can I find the Lua documentation for the text to speech? I need this for my weak auras so I can stop using pre-recorded voices provided by addons.

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This could be useful. Good to see some changes in this area and I hope they continue to improve accessibility in game.
I do struggle to read the quest text currently. Although it could use with light coloured text on a darker background as most people with visual impairments find this easier to read.
They have some quests like this already, when written on stone tablets they have write writing on a darkish grey background and I’ve always found those easier to read, I did try to find a command that would make this the default quest display but didn’t find a way.

I will stick with the Storyline addon which does display quests this way.

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