Enhancement PvP 9.2 - what covenant?

I just tested it a bit in the open world. The damage can be very devestating combined with other burst. But you need setup, can’t just randomly use it. Very high risk but really fun to see health bars melting by it. :smiley:

But just more damage isn’t always better. Damage has to be reliable and Chain Harvest is reliable source of burst damage and heal. After legendary change and Flame Shock spread with Lava Lash I can’t see any other covenant being competitive to it. Maybe Kyrian with Vesper totem in Turbo but nothing else.

Yeah. Chain harvest will stay on top for sure. The legendary might be better in M+ because of more active FS’s there at the same time in a big pull, but overall even on one target there is a good CD reduction. I only think that in 9.2 there will be some more room for alternative playstyles than before where you basically had one specific build and all the others were way behind…

The biggest buff on PTR is the conduit-buff that basically increases our maelstrom-spender by roughly 30% at max conduit rank. This will open up a variety of new builds and this will for sure also affect covenant.

RIght now it seems that the best M+, raid and PvP-builds will be completely different, which always sucks. Assuming you have a 4-setbonus, M+ is performing insane with chain harvest leggo, primal lava leggo and fire nova-totem mastery build. ST (raid) is performing insane as night fae with elemental spirits and witch doctor, and PvP is currently performing insane as mastery build with necrolord leggo + frost witch leggo. The elemental blasts and lightning bolt nukes are hitting hard as trucks.

I cant imagine that the conduit buff will remain. This also roughly buffed our heals by 30%, and since the pvp-outcries will be enormous im guessing that will lead to a flat nerf of it.

Overall, really looking forward to play my enhance next patch with a whole new lot of varieties.

Don’t think it will be op though. We still get blasted easily by other meta melees, simply because they have the tools against other melees which we don’t. Things like instant stuns, disarms, etc. It’s really easy to shut down and murder an enhancer as warrior or ww for example…

Oh i dont insinuate it will be op, im just going from enhancement-standards of how the spec usually performs :slight_smile: yeah I mean we will still die in a 3 second stun and we will still not compare damage to ww/arms, so we for sure still need teamm8s who are good to climb. But at least it wont have to be one-minute wonder doomwinds spec anymore.

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Oh yeah. And the fact that even Primordial Wave for enh will be strong warms my heart. More variety is everything the spec needed. :slight_smile:

Discussing covenants is useless at this point (for PvP)…

There is serious amount base change requirements for enha. it is basically a lose if you are playing against a disarming spec. There is also no sustainable damage or cleave damage either as other many others do.

Also no other comp option other than Turbo.

Right now on PTR with a mastery necro build with ele blast and lightning bolt, you are hitting like a damn truck due to the mega-buffed conduit.

There will for sure be new options, but nothing of that matters as long as you have other classes with 1shot mechanics that you can hardly counter. So if anything, that needs to be reworked.

But like yesterday, i died solo against a rogue in 3.5 sec from 100-0, WITH astral shift up at 90%. So i mean, wtf are you gonna do?

Update: continued doing alot of testing on the PTR with various builds yesterday. I ran a mastery necro build with the newly buffed Chilled to the core-conduit + focused lightning and earth-shield legendary. This allowed me to be virtually immortal since i could stack up maelstrom from distance, prepare burst with Ele blast + PW-lightningbolt on a go with skyfury + earthen spike. With a bit of luck, that damage is insane. And if you should get a PW-reset and get to use it twice, its even better.

With the amount of damage-buffs our ranged nukes have gotten combined with the overall lower damage from versatility pvp-buff removal, we now have a very nice burst-package combined with insane survivability (both with earth shield legendary but also our 40-45k healing surge crits). In early season 3, this will be a very nice dampener build for 2s. Its going to lose alot of value when people get set-bonuses and double legendary, but until that happens this will be a very nice “league-starter” as they say in PoE.

If you arnt trying out stuff on PTR i really recommend you do. There are now alot of various ways to build and plan, both for early season and later on. And its tons of fun.

Thank you very much for useful insight.

All I am trying to highlight here is the defensives and CC of Enha is so weak.

It is more than 50% we are against with a class can disarm. All the damge buffs or comps are useless if you cannot hit. we also have very weak defense if we don’t have enough maelstrom to heal ourselves. plus, we don’t have bubble or super mobile escape ways.

Enha is weak in defenseives, mobility and CC…

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