Enhancement PvP builds


I’ve been digging into the leader and it seems that there are two main PvP builds viable so far, Thorim’s build and lava lash build. In the first haste is the main stat and in the second it seems to be mastery.

I’d like to know opinions and thoughts and which one will perform better for certain comps talking about arenas mainly.

I tried lava build and it seems a bit less random than the wf procs but a hell ton of abilities (stormstrike, lava, ice strike, eb + chocks…), I feel I’m using the double of buttons than a dh.

the LL build cleaves better and is more consistent in it’s pressure and damage, whereas Thorims is more bursty but less consistent / reliable. So go with whatever you prefer I’d say

Thorims / Phys build will become the go to spec in a month or 2 when people have 4 piece tier set bonus 6% Master and 10 / 15% phys damage boost every 45 seconds will make it stronger imo but we’ll see

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