Hello everyone, i recently came back to the game and decided to reroll from ret to shaman. I used the expansions level up boost to make my first shaman ever and have been playing it for 2 days. During those 2 days and in the span of 11 hours of gameplay i reached lvl 80 , i dedicated the first 2 hours into dummy training to get familiar with the spec before i set out to level up . The process consists of campaign and delves , no leveling dungeons . After i reached max level i read the enha changes on the ptr to check if whatever feedback i had for the spec is being taken care of before i noted my thoughts. Here is my thoughts of the spec:
Flame shock spread : It is really handy that flame shock has an easy way to spread but some times targets that would normaly feel like they are in a position for the debuff to spread on them they just arent, slight increase on flame shock range required
Voltaic Blaze [(11.1) somewhat taken care of?] : Voltaic Blaze chance to proc feels really random , some times i got 2 back to back procs and some times it takes really long time to get a proc . This defeats the purpose of the talent to spread flame shock in a single global, dont think people use it for damage. Chance to proc should get massive increase or slightly rework to guarantee proc from our rotation
Spenders damage [(11.1) taken care of , may need further reduction] : Spender damage is way higher than builder damage and the spec has a lot of exponential scaling ( will get to it in a bit )
Doom winds : As a new player to the spec i fail to see the design purpose of the spell . It feels like an artifact or covenant ability reiterated 1 or 2 times
Ascendance - Feral Spirits : 2 big CDs should always have a clear differentiation and while wolves seem to be used for its elemental dmg increase at the end of the day it has a similar purpose with ascendance . Especialy in 11.1 with the exponential scale of wolves being reduced it feels like Ascendance eclipses it.
GCD : One of the most important feedback i have . The spec feels really gcd locked and in the new patch it seems even more than now
Frost shock - Ice strike (pending for 11.1 builds) : They feel like out of place entirely on the spec , ice strike can be used for a global but it doesnt feel like it is used on cd and its interaction with frost shock is non existant since the later is never used without hailstorm ( which is a talent we cant affort to get right now )
Primordial Wave [(11.1) take care of] : Not much to say it , right now it feels weird to press but 11.1 makes it a proper spell
Maelstorm weapon [pending for dmg meters (11.1)] : Feel like power should be taken out of maelstorm weapon and given to base dmg of spenders . This will serve 2 purposes , right now even though enha is being considered a battle mage its ranged combat is non existant ( just flame shock ? ) enha definetely shouldnt be powerful out of melee but it needs a lot of more damage than it has now . 2nd purpose is to properly balance the various multipliers the spec has
Stormbringer gameplay : Right now stormbringer feels like it takes the normal enhancement rotation as a hostage. It becomes the main focus disregarding anything else the base spec has to offer. 1st) reduce the power of tempest 2nd) make capstone procs more frenquent but increase the stacks required to gain tempest 3rd) Give a better synergy with shamans other builders that are not stormstrike 4th) Rework most of the talents on the spec . They feel like they just multiply your damage passively. The whole spec can be summarised as the tempest spec and not stormbringer . You just gain tempest and increased damage . Nothing else
A lot of totemic and elementalist changes are being made so i wont share any thoughts on them since i didnt try them yet
For everyone who actualy read the whole post thank you