Enhancement Shaman Lore

So I am curious about what Enhancement Shamans are based of, and which Race fits them most in Lore - Game Mechanic style like Paladin fits Humans most ingame as an example.

I am not exactly a lore expert - so please take anything I say with a grain of salt - but to my knowledge shamanism started with the horde races - mainly tauren, trolls and Draenor orcs. Then there was Nobundo - a broken Draenei who lost the way of the light after being exposed to fel energies that was the first Broken Draenei shaman, to my knowledge the shamanism of the alliance started from there. I am not too sure there is anything specific about the enhancement shaman per say, as a shaman is a shaman - not his spec, but my two cents - orcs, trolls and tauren always make sense to me as a shaman. Any race can fit as a shaman though, and you can always make a story for it.

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