I’ve been messing around with Enhancement Shaman lately and I’d like to macro Ice Strike and Frost Shock into a castsequence macro. This is what I tried:
/castsequence Ice Strike, Frost Shock
Problem is, castsequence makes it so when abilities have different cooldowns, you can only cast the one with the shortest CD when the others are available, which is bad because Frost Shock should be used pretty much on cooldown.
Is there any way to make the macro cast FS when IS is on CD?
This doesn’t really work, the problem with it is that I can’t cast Ice Strike without casting Frost Shock first, which is subobtimal because you wanna cast FS right after IS, not the opposite.
Then you remove the first frost shock from the macro, increase the reset time factoring the cd of ice strike, and add as many frost shock as you could/want to do inside the time of the cd of ice strike.
If you consider IS cd = 6s and FS cd = 3s this would look like:
Unfortunately, the reset time of castsequences is from when the macro was most recently pressed, not from when it was first pressed, and not from the most recent successful cast.
So just be aware that it’s not as intuitive or clean as you might think:
Assuming: IS CD = 6s and FS CD = 3s