Enhancement shaman totemic hero talent confusing design

I am not a fan of the redesign of the totemic hero talent tree for enhancement shamans.

The redesigned tree shoehorns you into a playstyle revolving around Hot Hands and Lava Lash. Why would you prevent players from using the talent build they want (e.g. Stormstrike & Ascendance build)?

Also, why is there a choice node with a buff to ascendance (Oversurge) when the whole tree screams ‘don’t spec into ascendance’? Ascendance and Hot Hands just don’t go well together.

I don’t know any other hero talent tree with this issue. Sure, some specs have to choose 1-2 talents to make their hero talent tree work (e.g. Rider of the Apocalypse Frost DK), but those mandatory talents never completely define your playstyle and talent setup like they do for enhancement shaman.