Enhancement shamans

pls holonka buffa enhanca pls pls, no damage, just die just die, die. pls buffi. neffa tank trinkets+rogua/magu tu,tyty

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I likes enhand samans too. Saman so fun mens but now so bads maked me cry :frowning: blizart entertain need buff enhand samans. its very fun spec like lighting mens an sometim like lava mens an sometim also heal mens.


You missunderstand how things work. There is the damage and the way to apply it. If a physical attack deals magic damage it’s still a physical attack and thus can be dodged. Like Envenom (Nature), Templar’s Verdict (Holy) or Frost Strike (Frost). The damage when the spell does land on the other hand can’t be resisted by a physical damage immunity (like BoP) and isn’t reduced by a Physical mitigation such as armor.

So there won’t be a hotfix as it isn’t a bug. It’s been like that on purpose since day one.

Why is stofmstrike and windstrike physical damage i genuinely don’t understand why.

Nothing worse than a pala bopping your ascendance

But unlike Envenom, Templar’s Verdict and Frost Strike, empowered Storm Strike is a spell in its visual form and doesn’t appear to swing a melee weapon.
Explanation for why it’s still being dodged? It’s still implemented as a physical attack, as you’ve already explained, and actually has a super misleading tooltip.

Wind Strike deals physical damage, but bypass all armor, instead of dealing nature damage. Basically true physical damage.
You can easily mistake it for dealing nature damage, since the Ascendance tooltip tells you it gets turned into a wind attack, and Wind Strike tells you it hurls wind at the opponent.

Supposedly, this should bypass stuff like AMS, but I’m not sure if that’s true.

Can always just purge it off :slight_smile:

Tbh there is some weird stuff about dh sometimes spells like coil doesn’t work for no reason.
I know now they are able to nullify spells by enter in demon (is it a bug or intended?).

But I think they are able to dodge also by using blur cause many times they dodge my felguard’s stun or coil without entering in demon. (not sure about it but maybe someone else can confirm).

Its the fact i have to wait 2 globals when i burst then i gotta waste more time purging bop with rdruid hots on

I only remember WoD visual in details… Back then it was kind of a weapon swing in the air that would “throw” a blast of wind from where you swung the weapon. Kind of similar to the current Aspect of the Eagle.

Since Windstrike ignores armor, it being a spell or a physical attack makes no difference as close to nothing aside from armor reduces physical damage only. And BoP. But as Shaman BoP is never an issue.

The phrasing isn’t amazing, it does make a difference because of dodge and parry but then you bypass Cloak, AMS, AMZ, Diffuse, and so on. What I mean is now, as is, dodge defensives can be an issue. If it’s a spell, many other defensives would be an issue instead of the dodge.

Intended. Idiot proof class.

Blur reduces damage taken by 35% and also increases dodge chance by 50%, this is why they can dodge the stun. But they cannot dodge the coil with it.

Well… Two things.

First, if really BoP is that much of an issue and you know you will burst, pre purge a couple HoTs before going.

Second, BoP has 5min CD while Ascendance has 3min CD. So it’s not even a real problem if you’re talking about the Resto Druid + Pala set up. If it’s a Holy Pala then he has two BoPs but much less buffs to purge to gets the BoPs so you’re fine too.

What about class fantasy and immersion? If I turn into an Air Ascendant and hurl wind at my foes, I want to deal magical damage.

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I swear this dh dodge my coil and he didn’t had anything else than blur and didn’t used meta.
Maybe you right but Idk I have seen this kind of things so much times in 2s I’m confused.

I agree, let’s make everyhing realistic.

Now deals 100% of the target’s health in physical damage and ignores shields. Successfully killing a target with Execute kills their character and deletes it from their Battlenet account.

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I was thinking about that, imagine during your charge Ă  mage blink so you charge nothing and fall like tard xD

Or again vs frost mage you can’t reach because of snares/root etc… So you grab some rocks around you and throw it to your target.

Imo it would be more realistic nop? =D

Well too bad I guess !

I do want the target to instanly die, guts open in two when I press Eviscerate but hey, can’t have everything !

I don’t have an explanation if that really did happen. I highly doubt they defy yet another rule and can dodge spells but I mean this class… I wouldn’t even be surprised.

Dh dodging behind just pisses me off. Oh blur better wait cos he can dodge my step kidney

I likes enhant saman too mens. blizart need buff enhant saman

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