Enhancer looking for m+ group

Hi all,

I’m a former mythic raider from Germany who stopped in Shadowlands, but recently found his way back to wow. While I am really enjoying it, everything is not yet perfect…
Unfortunately my work schedule basically only allows me playing Monday to Wednesday evening (as well as Sunday after 10 pm) every week reliably, with occasional other days sprinkled in. I did find a guild that allows me to join their second raid group every tuesday, but most of the members already have m+ teams or are gone/raiding the other days im around, so I have to revert to pugging m+ quite a lot.
This is not a nice experience over all… Yeah, there are some good groups, but also a lot of bad ones.

I know I cant ask for top 1% or cutting edge any more, and frankly I dont want to. But I would really appreciate having a group of people to get together with once or twice a week to push some keys past 10 while having a good time.

Im currently playing enhancement (which quite frankly is a lot of fun), geared 614-ish and 2.1k rating. German or English is fine. Availability: Sun 10pm-1am, Mon 19pm-1am, Tue 11pm-1am, Wed (75%) 19pm-1am, sometimes spontaneously at any other time :wink:

Looking forward to hearing from anyone! :slight_smile:
