Enhancing the Dark Magic Aesthetic of [Burning Rush] for Warlocks

Greetings, fellow Warlocks!

I wanted to start a discussion about Burning Rush. As a class that harnesses the power of dark magic and commands formidable demons, it’s essential that our abilities reflect the sinister and captivating nature of our class fantasy.

As it stands, Burning Rush increases the walking / running animation speed and adds a fiery effect beneath our feet. However, I can’t help but feel that it falls short in terms of visual impact and thematic consistency with the Warlock class.

Wouldn’t it be cool if :

We take Burning Rush to the next level by enhancing its visual and thematic elements. Specifically, I propose that when we activate Burning Rush, our Warlocks should unfurl a pair of dark, malevolent wings. These wings would serve as a striking visual indicator that the spell is active, immediately conveying the sense of power and darkness we draw upon. Think of Malefic Raiment tier set type of thing. Instead of running we’d be hovering above ground (not true flight) flapping these demonic wings.


Thematic Consistency: This change would align Burning Rush with the dark magic and demon-controlling theme of the Warlock class, making it more immersive and exciting.

Engagement: The visual impact of unfurling wings would draw the player’s attention to the spell’s activation, making it more satisfying to use and easier to identify during intense moments.

Unique Identity: Enhancing Burning Rush in this way would give Warlocks a unique and visually distinct ability, further setting us apart from other classes.

I believe that implementing this change would not only improve our gameplay experience but also reinforce the identity of Warlocks as masters of dark magic.

What are your thoughts?

(edit: sorry I am posting this on my Paladin, but for some reason my other toons won’t show up, lol)

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I dont think this would work as it doesnt fit the spells actual name, what i think would enchance it though is if the ground you run over leaves a trail of fire (maybe opt it out in settings as it might effect preformance)

What i think warlocks would need is an additonal movement ability, one that could take your idea and instead turning it into lets say a disengage from hunters but instead of backwards it shoots your forward.

But if i could decide i would give warlocks the spell “soulshape” from SL’s night fae covenant, it was a great spell added and made warlocks able to move without needing to prep or sacrifice hp just to move somewhat fast.
I obviously wouldnt want copy paste, i think a different spin of the spell would work well.
Take inspiration from demonic gateway have it themed in a way that would make it look like you are going into the twisting nether and out again to gain a small distance, perhaps even add a shard cost to it to balance and keep in touch of the theme of gaining power at a cost.

But hey im just a casual and blizzard dont really listen to us, only to the elite players ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Yeah I see some of your points, I think it also goes into the mix of “warlocks have low mobility”, but I think what bothers me before the actual logistics of the mobility and the cost or battle advantage (which are fair topics tbh) is just…how come can mages slow fall, priests can levitate, and we just wiggle our legs at 200% speed?

I play as an undead and that animation really makes it look like something out of a Tom & Jerry cartoon.

As for the name, yeah I wouldn’t expect ‘Burning Rush’ to reflect ‘ground flying’ or levitating, but…also not to pull a Ussaine Bolt as an escape mechanism if you know what I mean.

We had leap in demon form.

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