ENIGMA - Horde – EU – PvP – Earthshaker

We are seeking a few more players to the guild that want a consistent raid team preparing for Phase 2 / 3.

Our goal
Have a nice community of raiders who all wish to raid in a friendly and non-toxic environment where we slay as many bosses possible in the least amount of time needed. We see ourselfs as “Semi-hardcore” which means we will do whatever it takes to kill the current content, but not spend every last second of our free time on increasing HPS/DPS.

Current progression
Ony and Rag on farm.

Who are we?
Bunch of 25-35 year old gamer-men that came back to WoW to play Classic. Our current roster consists of mostly Scandinavians, though any nationality is welcome.

What do we expect from you?

  • Show up on raid days with good attendance (90%+)
  • Have consumes ready if the content requires it
  • Don’t be a catalyst for drama or frustration in the guild
  • Socialize and relax on Discord
  • Be there for the long term goal (Naxx clear)

Loot system
We are using Loot Council consisting of officers/class leaders. Regular raiders are invited to join in a rotation to increase transparency. Main goal of Loot Council is to give loot to people who will help us reach our final destination in Naxxramas.

Raid times:
Wednesday: 19:30 – 23:00 (currently used for Onyxia). Occasional extra day for Onyxia happens every 3 weeks due to the 5 day reset timer.
Sunday: 19:30 – 23:00 (currently used for MC)

Seeking currently:
Druid – Closed
Shaman – 1 spot (Resto)
Priest – 2 spots (Holy)
Warrior DPS – Closed
Warrior Tank – Closed
Rogue - Closed
Hunter - 1 Spot
Warlock - 1 Spot
Mage – Closed

Exceptional players are always considered.

Discord invite: KAYuXK
In-game: Onx, Numsegas, Fistman, Swiftmend, Freezeus or Uven in game