Enjoy Void Stone :D

There’s no trolling. I’ve answered a few simple questions. I’ve elaborated on my reasoning. And I’ve explained why I haven’t answered a million other questions.
Why you attribute so much attention to the posts I’ve made is for you to tell me, not for me to tell you.

Well that’s how it is, and how it’s sometimes been in the past. Deathbringer’s Will and Vial of Shadows comes to mind, among other. This scenario isn’t foreign to the PvP scene.


Checking @ Jito let me see… “Highest 3 man personal rating : 1693”

And u listen to this fool ?

Very funny tho, and nice experience received total with pvp arena et Jito congrats on that !

You must know a lot about pvp iam 100% sure…


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Nice try there.

Oh please. I have answered every single question I have responded to respectfully, constructively, and on topic.
I don’t even think the opinion I have expressed is controversial in any way. Again, all I’ve said is that the trinket exists because it’s cool, i.e. it meets the criteria players have for a well-designed trinket – and I gave examples of that as well. And then I’ve said that as far as being competitive goes, then this is no different from PvP scenarios in the past where various trinkets have been very strong – and if you want to be competitive, the most natural approach is to try and get the best items and play the best comps.

How any of that constitutes trolling is beyond me. At the end of the day you’re all free to discuss the topic amongst yourselves, but you keep making replies to me, and then you accuse me of trolling when I respond to your questions?! :thinking:

Another 2 games lost because enemy team had 2x Void Stone… Good game.

The fact that you think your responses are constructive doesn’t mean they are.

Look at your last messages above, you argue in favor of this trinket and say it is cool because during Uu’nat fight it does the job very well. Jito we are on PvP forums. We are in an arena thread. The question is why does it exist in the game, SPEAKING OF PVP RANKED ARENAS.

The correct answer to that cannot be because it’s cool against the last boss of CoS.

But I answered that too:

That is the design chosen for BfA. All items are universally functional and can be used anywhere in the game regardless of where or how they have been obtained.

Sometimes Blizzard will adjust an item specifically for PvP, but in the case of the Void Stone trinket, then they have not done so as of yet.

Simple question, simple answer.

And the complaint was why raid scaled items are enabled as is in pvp arenas since it breaks the game as player damage doesn’t come close to raid boss damage.

And you said because it’s cool. And unique. It’s neither in PvP and as it happens we’re in arena forums.


I said the trinket was designed on the basis of being cool – i.e. it meets the criteria that raiders have for an interesting and engaging on-use effect – and I gave the example of Preach and MethodJosh echoing those sentiments.

That is why the trinket exists. It’s a raid drop made for raiders who do raiding – specifically the Crucible of Storms.

What you’re saying is that PvPers don’t like this item being usable in PvP, because it breaks the game.

I recognize that complaint, but that is not what I have answered. And I don’t really have anything to say in regards to the complaints about the Void Stone in PvP either. I am not Blizzard, so I cannot address it in any meaningful way. I think I said in another thread that Blizzard should have nerfed it in PvP alongside the other items that were recently nerfed, because that’s what the PvP community seemingly wants, so why not? But beyond that, then I don’t really have any opinion about the Void Stone in particular. I can only answer simple questions as to why it exists, why you can use it, and so on. And that is what I have done (because some of you seem quite confused by such simple matters, which is a bit weird).

I will pray if blizz some day make a unsocketed item (must equipe after loot) that can only be looted if you post on pvp forums without any exp and makes a 75% chance for every post you do, to receive a perma block to pvp section.

This will bis for some people and “cool” item.


If you don’t have anything to say about Void Stone in PvP and don’t play rated arenas yourself why do you even comment/answer a “why does it exist” asked on arena forum, which means why does it exist as is in rated arenas, and why do you answer it with PvE argument ?

You have to keep in mind who asked, and who was asked. Someone asked in rated arena context, on arena forum, so other arena players might comment. You aren’t one of those and you answered with a PvE PoV. Totally out of place.

Because people seem to not know the answer, as simple as it might be.

There is no PvE or PvP perspective. There is just the design perspective. Understanding why the designers have made the trinket and why you’re able to use it in Arenas is not knowledge reserved to PvE or PvP. It’s just basic understanding of the design philosophies that drive the development of the game.

I’m only a man of tiny 1,8k but with my limited judgement capacity I say that Jito is the worst poster in this thread and POSSIBLY the entire PvP forum

Edit: lol

I guess that’s why certain items have their effects reduced in PvP then


Yes. How is that hard to understand?

How about instead we flip this around, and then all you wise PvPers tell me in a constructive manner why this trinket exists and why it is usable in Arena.

And when you’ve done that you can explain to me in general terms why powerful PvE trinkets are made and why they’re usable in all of PvP.

And try not to write a “Herp derp Blizzard are stupid!” answer.

Lecture me.

:rofl::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::crazy_face: What’s going on…?

How is this difficult to grasp? You’re all asking questions as if you’re confused as to why Blizzard might design an item like this and put it on the loot table of a raid boss, or why it can be used in PvP like all other items can.

Surely the simple answers to the above does not elude you as much as you imply.

You simply don’t make arguments + when you try heavily contradict yourself and I think seriously replying to you is a waste of time good day :tired_face:

No, I don’t. I give explanations.

Why does the trinket exist? Because it’s a cool trinket with an interesting on-use effect that fits within the raid from where it drops.
Why can it be used in PvP? Because all items can be used in PvP.

How’s something so simple so difficult to grasp on the Arena forum? :unamused:

I just played vs players double void stone. Druid just used it on 5% war before trap and guess what. War survived carried by pve gear.

This trinket should be nerfed by 60% so it’s not usuless but not gamebreaking.

Pvp trinkets are no match for this one atm

To all the PvP players complaining about having to do raids to obtain their best trinkets… may I ask you why do I have to do arenas in order to get my best trinket for raiding and no one really complains about this?

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