Is this a bad joke or something? It’s either; sharding doesn’t work like it’s intendet to. Or the buff isn’t.
As a horde player my buff is always at 10%. But why is it, that on every other day I can’t even do world quests properly because I am getting ganked up on from like 5-10 allies. Don’t get me wrong. I know wardmode is a choice. And I made the choice for the ocasional skirmish. I am even fine with 2on1 and even with the 10v1 from time to time, cause you know, it happens. But as mentioned, every other day, I barely can do worldquests at all becasue there are literally only alliance players. But still. 10% Enlistment Bonus.
This is just a rant and will probably get no positive feedback since it’s a negative rant. But yeah. Phasing or Sharding or how ever the new technology is called. Realy ruins warmode for me.
Thanks for reading. Cheers
im gonna join in on that Rant… 4 days in a row, i have been put on shards where alliance just totally dominates the shard population and they are still having the 25% bonus !? its unfair that they get so much more Azerite and Pearls seriously?
Make the Bonus SHARD dependent! or remove it all together…!
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The outnumbered bonus is nothing to do with shard balance reward / compensation / incentive. It’s designed to increase outnumbered participation in the region, reducing number of single faction overflow shards, and therefore easier to balance duel faction shards.
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