Enough is Enough (all Three rogue specs)

Sub Rogue
critting 30-40k with Eviscerate isn’t acceptable when you give them to tools to Stun Lock for 10 seconds, have access to bomb, Shadowy Duel, multiple burst cool-downs, on top of Blind, Sap, Vanish, Cloak, Evasion and Faint (With talent)

  • Shadowy Duel needs to lower the Rogue and the target damage by 50% for it’s duration. It should act similar to a Warrior Duel.
  • Eviscerate damage needs a flat 25% reduction in PVP
  • Elusiveness talent needs to be lowered to 15% damage reduction in PVP down from 30%

Assassination Rogue
The Set bonus has made Sepsis massively overpowered and although I understand you did some slight tuning a few weeks back, Sepsis can still 100% to 0% a target within 2-3 seconds.

  • The 4 Set Bonus should increase the ticking speed of Bleeds and Poisons by 33% down from it’s current version
  • Elusiveness should be dropped to 15% damage reduction down from 30%

Outlaw Rogue
You nerfed it the smallest possible amount the last week and this won’t really change anything

  • Elusiveness like the other 3 specs should be lower to 15% damage reduction down from 30%
  • Vanish Legendary should not interact with Blind, Kidney Shot or Gouge
  • Blade Flurry damage lowered by 33% in PVP

These are all valid changes which will bring the 3 Rogue spec down from S+ Tier to A+ Tier and allow them to have some serious weaknesses outside of “You kill them because they make a mistake”


All rogue spec outside rmx dies, the main issue is the synergy with the mage.

Outlaw is tanky against melee cause of restless blade and cdr mechanic with kyrian and vanish leg reducing it even more.

They could use some dmg nerf for sure for assa/sub but in general other rogue comp are OK and if you nerf rogue cauz of rmx issue you will ruin every other possible rogue comp which is bad.

Not true

Rogue SP is good
Rogue Hunter is Good
Rogue Ret is good
Rogue DK is good.
Rogue Rogue is good

Get a grip


Yes ‘’ good ‘’. But if you nerf rogue like you want them to be all the comp you listed gonna be horribly bad.

Rps already is trash, thug okai have no idea about the other.

there was litterly double outlaw thats played in the awc and you see it on ladder xD


Hum can’t say it’s a ‘’ comp ‘’ just like double convoke or double fury warrior comp it just mean the spec is actually op and need fast tuning.

I am sorry but what kind of testing did you do with these changes? Did you try them out and see how much damage / survivability each spec received or what makes them valid according to who?

I don’t think sepsis alone can do that but even if it is true there are many specs which can 100-0 in less time than that? As boring as it sounds this game you require to trade CDs accordingly.

And no I dont play assa and I do find it boring to face them.

I know this is off-topic but I just have to ask. You play the most played dps spec in the game and as of now fury is really strong too but you don’t feel that it is too strong at all and requires tuning sooner?

I still don’t understand how all three Rogue specs. are left untouched, especially Outlaw survivability… They gave up we might get some changes in S4 in 1month, that’s about it. They are working on Dragonflight :clown_face:


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