Enough wars between the alliance and horde

I don’t want peace between Horde and Alliance. Especially not now when so many bridges were burned. It’s even more artificial than… “Draenor is Free!”.

Faction differ in culture, mantality, politics and many other things. That should be a good reason to keep reasonable conflict story. But the current staff is doing terrible job because they clearly have hidden agenda and they fail at creating reasonable, engaging story.

Conflicts, battles and wars aren’t bad. It’s just developers that suck at delivering it. For supposed faction pride they managed to make everyone feel like crap. And I’d argue that Horde even more for forcing them to do terrible deed after terrible deed without any good explanation.

And to add at the very last, war makes every subfaction engaged. Some events though are only involving limited amount of races that has ties to the matter.


I was wondering today: faction war narrative, what are they good for exactly ?

Only to write a good book and keep the audience engaged, in my opinion.

Because if the idea is to make us hate the other faction, I would say it sucks.

I got all of my HKs when “Green Jesus” Thrall was Warchief, back in vanilla.

I think Arctur stated in one of my topics that vanilla didn’t had much lore, compared to other expansions, it was more about taking down raid bosses.
Like Ragnaros or Onyxia.

Another player stated Blizzard excels in small stories while sucking at big plots.
I agree on that, I loved vanilla small zone stories and I am hating the entire BfA plot as hell.

Thanks for your replies.

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But in vanilla Horde and Alliance were not on friendly terms, it was a cold war, with which I am absolutely fine. Becuase it allows skimrishes and border fights to happen. So while there are not a big armies moving around, you can still deliver good stories.

For example dwarves in Barrnes wiped taurens that lives there so they could dig, and so Tauren were killing them in return.

In Durotar Kul’Tirans were preparing assault, you deliver plans to Vol’Jin and he was like "I told Thrall to get rid of them! (I’m paraphrasing but it was what he essentially meant, lol).

And in those stories Horde was not portrayed like murdering hobos, they had their interests and easy to understand aims. You wanted to fight for that Horde.

Now we’re all confused because the main leader didn’t reveal her intentions and we’re running around like headless chickens doing whatever main plot demans.


Main problem is: you can’t tell your players, that they should work together in MoP and then say they should fight against each other in BfA.

That doesn’t make sense.

What they should had done was let the narrative be like in vanilla.
We are members of our faction, but above all we are explorers. We go and find new places, new landscapes, meanwhile knowing the other faction is there.

Not like what they did in WoD as Theronarum stated in one of my topics, the narrative immediately confronts you, before you could ignore it, no longer the case.

When my human warrior saw Gul’Dan for the first time I was:
Is this a movie, because the guy have a cinematic and big letters around him.

Good luck trying to avoid BfA narrative.
Some Alliance NPC’S call you a murderer if they are Night Elves others like the Draenei female monk raid boss tells you are working for a evil master.

That was the point.
End this war narrative and go back to the cold war narrative, even if it has to have another expansion where the Horde and Alliance have to work together to beat the Old Gods.

That’s my opinion.

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From an Alliance perspective, you’re all a bunch of weekend cartoon villains with a hint of comic book villain.

The Alliance just feels like it’s being dragged along with the Horde story, just because they had to make two sides for players.

But we all know nothing satisfying will come from the conclusion. So, there is no point in us holding our breath for retribution which will never come.

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MoP only forced factions to cooperate at the very end, when they had no choice. Garrosh was at possesion of Old God’s heart. But it was pretty clear from the start that neither side wanted it. And both Varian and Vol’Jin parted in rather begrudging agreement to at least not bother one another.

It’s the Legion that was a disaster because it ignored all the previous conflicts to make factions cooperate this closely.
I was against it from the very start - I’m sorry for harsh words, but seriously it was retarded to have a zone where forsaken and worgen beat the crap out of another and then they port to their order halls and are best bros in arms?

For real?
/the rant ends :stuck_out_tongue:

We’re adventurers but we’re still part of the faction. And factions have different needs and aims, and there is plenty of bad blood between certain races.

So in a way I am also looking forward to vanilla as a mental rehab, I can pretend many terrible plots didn’t happen, lol.

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Remember the Pandaren lessons ?
How Alliance and Horde were both wrong ?
How war is wrong ?
My Blood Elf Paladin from this account, remembers.

Sorry but MoP sets the stage for WoD and finally legion.

It’s Activision Blizzard who needs to make up their mind.

Legion can exist as a expansion.
BfA can exist as a expansion.

Both of them in the same universe ?
Makes 0 sense.


That’s 2 of us now.


Not a chance. I’m done with forced Neutrality and characters like Baine.


Its called world of warcraft for a reason.
I dont want world of LOVEcraft my friend :slight_smile:


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This video has SPOILERS for 8.2 patch don’t click on it if you don’t want to be spoiled.

See Jaina, Genn, Lor’themar Theron and first Arcanist Thallissra working together (starts at 3:04) ?

It’s already begun.


Ahh Horde players…always happy for the War but never willing to deal with the consequences of said war :man_facepalming:…the moment there is any real retribution either in game or in lore the forums are flooded with salt…i mean years later Taurajo and the Purge are still whined about :man_shrugging:
Have the faction that routinely commits genocide actually face consequences for it either shown via in game lore or zone updates and then we can all be happy about xpac after xpac of WARcraft…untill then its a pointless waste of time.

Ohh if the Alliance are the 1z who started the conflict and commited similar or worse actions (Yeah like that will ever happen :laughing::frowning_face::angry:) in Mop/Wod/Bfa and say a future xpac then by all means i would be more than happy for them to face the same as i wish for the Horde.

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You said well: it will never happen, because it’s written in Activision blizzard sacred Bible:

  • No harm shall ever be written against Alliance lore.
  • When there’s a conflict it’s always the Horde to start it.

As for concequences, from all I care, the Alliance are free to destroy the Horde, game over, shut the servers down.
Nothing would make me more happier.
There’s nothing to be salvaged from BfA, lore.

Have a good night.

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Don’t care. They are all traitors. Hail N’zoth.

You see the difference is we don’t want revenge on the alliance for this. What we actually want is a violent revolution to throw incompetent leaders out of the window. Like Baine, Aethas, Halduron, Saurfang.

The Horde vs Alliance has been the central conflict since Orcs vs Humans, I doubt Blizzard can fully get away from this.

They do try to mix it up like they are with BFA, after all we are at war with each other but in patch 8.2 we are working together again to beat Aszhara and probably again in 8.3 to beat N’zoth and save Azeroth.

I think if Blizzard ever fully put the conflict between the Horde and Alliance to rest then they would just have to end the game or reboot it with a new enemy or foe to fight.

The faction system only really makes sense when there is a faction conflict. I hope they dial it down to something the fringes of the factions do that doesn’t get genocidal, and doesn’t necessarily have the blessing of all the leaders… but as long as there are factions there will be some kind of war. Even if they were going to focus on totally independent stories like Kul/Zandalar, wherever the factions meet they would make them the NPC baddie.

That said… I hope that some time in the future they will have the stones to (functionally, at least) just get rid of the racial factions. I wouldn’t hold my breath, though.

Back in Warcraft 3, I guess?

That was irony, wasn’t it? A H.P.Lovecraft wordplay, maybe? I hope so…

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At this point I would not like to see factions making peace. And I see no reason for factions not to fight even after what we have been through togather since MoP.

But problem with this expansion is that it failed to deliver on everything it promised players from get go in Blizzcon. They have very spesific GoT outcome that will “blow our minds” in the end, but meanwhile story has been butchered in hundreds of small pieces and Devs have no time to patch them up anymore.
Sticking with Totally-not-MoP-2.0 plot, where there will be no consequences for Horde to answer to and Alliance maintaining its inadequacy and tryina make peace with them this or later expansion…

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Impossible. Alliance vs Horde is pretty much a trademark of Warcraft genre. Bad presentation of it is the problem here.

In the grim dark future of Azeroth there is only war.

The plot is already following the MoP narrative style, so…

Not really expecting much except disappointment in narrative. We’ll be buddies again, coming together to fight the big-bad which will of course be the Horde…

:roll_eyes: But don’t worry guys, Sylvanas has a plan! :roll_eyes:

I don’t want the Horde v. Alliance dissonance and conflict to end either in favour of peacecraft, but neither do I want to keep this particular narrative up either.

The faction war narrative (not the side-plots, most of them are actually cool imo) is just yet another ruined hodgepodge of potential. A typical move.

Agreed. Blizzard has proven time and time again that they cannot write a good or even original war plot. Neither faction can actually win, so the wars are artifical anyway.