Enter Dalaran

I boosted a DH with a 120 boost but how do i get to Dalaran ? Have no Dalaran heartstone and the quest what starts legion quest line does not pop up …

Hello Zariza!

Can you please have a look at this article?

In there you’ll find details on how to star the quest line that will get you to Dalaran and to be the proud owner of a Dalaran Hearthstone! ^^

i looked on leader board but no legion quest it has only Zuldazar , Nazmir and Tanaan Jungle as alternatives i even picked up 24 quests on leader board no legion quest came up.

Thanks a lot for the update Zariza!

Quite interesting that you can’t get the quest from the board. Can you please try the following then?

  • Go to the portal room in Orgrimmar
  • Take the portal to Azsuna
  • Once there, take the flight path to Dalaran (the flight master npc is a few hundred meters away from the zone you’ll appear and not immediately in range, you should be able to find it by checking the map though)

As soon as you land in Dalaran you should be able to start questing in Legion content. You should be also able to get a Dalaran Hearthstone by speaking with the NPC Amisi Azuregaze in the Legerdemain Lounge Inn :slight_smile:

I landed in Dalaran noting happend. no quest poped up