Entering Solo Shuffle... at 2400 with full greens

So just because I was 2400 in SS at season 1, I get matched with 2.4k lobby with full green gear. “No big deal, just take a couple of losses”. Yes. With an average waiting time of 20 minutes to get in, getting maybe 1 win, its taking bloody forever and im still only down to 2100 mmr. And even then, I should probably be at 1600 to start getting some conquest to get gear.

A really A-class system.


Are you starting late this season or is this your twink, with the conquest boxes you can equip a char almost full without a game if you have a main with conquest left

If you start fresh you got a bad time ahead, idk whats a faster way too gear, you always can Q soloq and battleground Blitz that also count for the vault and give good conquest

Welcome back Grytax.

I also changed my poster char to MM after the new talent hype

There are other ways how to prepare, gear up.

Shuffle was never meant for conquest farm for DPS.

Apply simple logic.

You are waiting 20-30 minutes.

You enter, play 15 minutes.

Best you’re getting on average is about 200 conquest per 40 minutes.


You queue 2v2.

The queue pops within 1 minute.

1 - 3 minute games on average.

90ish conquest per win minus the first win extra bonus.

You take the first win extra bonus.

Within 40 minutes you’ve done let’s say 8 games

Since it started on the bottom, if you understand your class, you probably won most of those games.

With the first win, you’re already at about 1000 conquest.

So, go gear up, then queue Shuffle.


ye shuffle takes ages to gear up with these q times.
do 2s and 3s.

Except at 1k cr/mmr you need to be full epic and have 2.8k this season, and I dont have any friends left playing the game :frowning:

The new talents looks great indeed but I will probably play something else for war within. Good to see you again btw <3

i started season late as well and it went smooth for me with lfg. u got 2.4xp in 2s so i think u should be able to find mates as well. even q’ing with low xp healers tanking some losses should be faster then shuffle.

Absolutely insane people are always in the comments defending these dog systems.

OP is completely right. Not like 2s/3s is even any better because we retain our MMR w/o inflation so are having to queue at 2k+ into teams with will pvp gear.

try play a 2s game in full greens vs someone completely geared with even a 2 digit IQ and let me know how you get on.

What a huge letdown this expansion has been. So much potential but so sloppily implemented.

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im not defending the system, it is absolute dogsh*t.

we just giving suggestions to make the gearing for OP better.

im pretty sure the mmr in 2s/3s was reduced at the start of the season and certainly isnt nearly as inflated as shuffle.

i geared my dk this way and it was fine. but i get that for many people with lower xp it is way rougher.

blizz should just increase the pvp ilvl of honor gear to like atleast 522 and do mmr reduction every new season.

Tried getting some 2s yesterday, took 30 minutes to find a partner. Started at 2.2k mmr, partner left after first loss :smiley:

Decided to put some time into leveling my DK instead, i feel like frost will be fun in War within.

not sure how that happened. i started lower on both my dk’s.


id play with u but i dont have a healer unforch.

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Aaw <3 Btw, have you had a chance to try out the new frost dk on beta? I thought it looked really fun and considered making frost dk my main next xpac.

nah havent played beta.

If you were 2400 then why are you even going into shuffle with green gear lol? You can easily get someone to spam 2s with its much faster to gain conquest queues are very fast.

read the answers above to this question and statement.

I think blitz is the best way to gear rn. You also get hk for weekly chest. And honor points to trade it into wpvp tokens you missed

if u have friends or find people in lfg to spam 2s/3s that remains the fastest way to gear by far.

what looked fun about frost tho?
havent played it ina while and am not rly familiar with the frost tree so i dont know what the rework does for them. for uhdk it looks kinda busted tho.

I dont play much anymore, but got full conq gear on a few healers atleast if u need a fellow chill conquest farming partner mr grytax

I won 5-0 two times running. I get 60 odd points for the last 5 rounds won. Then I get matched with a full green geared devast. Anyway, both me (disc) and the resto sham won 3 rounds each, and only got 1 rating.

Honestly solo shuffle is a dire state.