Eonar the Life-binder (Mythic) in Antorus is now easy to solo!

As of a recent hotfix or patch Eonar the Life-binder in Mythic difficulty has at long last finally been fixed so that we can solo the entire raid, without the need for more people due to how Eonar’s previous fight mechanics worked.

  • What’s different now is that it seems as if Final Doom no longer does damage to Eonar. This means that the entire fight is trivial because you don’t have to enter the portals to clear the ship anymore. Even if you enter the portal to the ship Purge no longer instakills players.

  • In addition, the fight is extremely shortened as Eonar will use Life Force much more frequently. After four of these casts the fight is automatically over, after 3 minutes and 30 seconds.

  • The strategy is simply to stand next to the Essence of Eonar (where you start the encounter) and kill the adds and let the rest of the encounter play for it self.

I hope this info helped and good luck with your farming for Shackled Ur'zul Shackled Ur’zul and transmogs!


Thats very nice sharing this.

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it was already soloable before and very easy

Thanks for sharing it! : )

It was very doable before but so not fun so I’m glad they’ve been doing things to fix unfun fights and encounters as of late.


This is great news, thank you for sharing!!


Thanks for sharing. It was doable before, of course, but definitely a breeze now.


Ohhh, that is wonderfull. I hated that fight. So annoiying with less mobile classes to the point i simply stoped doing it.


Seem this late for me. Since I farmed all classes’s armo from Eonar after warband unlocked.

Since I played only paladin, Reason this class more easy and faster kill trash and speed from mount up.

But other bosses with random alts with unlocked skipped bosses

I’ve been going with a friend and making him go up. Seems we no longer need to do that.

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Brill, thanks for the heads up! Faceroll transmog runs are back on the cards. :smiling_face:

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Yeah, I’ve been able to solo mythic Eonar for several years, on several characters (Shaman and Rogue, mostly) where i enter the ship and go around using the special ability to diagonally move from southwest crystal to northeast crystal (as second and third crystal I click). Then I get out before I explode.

Still a nice hotfix, though.