Epic Battleground Situation

Hello all,

So as we are all aware, things are a little hectic as of lately and it seems like majority of this community is having some opinions regarding the premades and the current imbalances that some players find themselves in, and feel compelled to make some of my own opinions and perhaps suggestions in improving ourselves as a community, and persons so here are my points ;

  1. Implement a fair matchmaking system applicable only to Epic Battlegrounds that it is genuine and dynamic in the sense that it’ll search for teams based in their personal skills and level and pair them fairly in the groups if played both solo, or with friends/partners/guildies or community members at the expense of an increase in the queues favouring a quality match designed to be balanced & fair.
  2. Have a feature in the role selection that allows you to queue as the leader of the group to enable leadership from the start of the round so you can organize & strategize the team before the game commences, to offer flexibility to the games, and give everybody who is interested in leading, a fighting chance to turn things around from the get go.
  3. Redesign specific battlegrounds like Wintergrasp to make it so that the attacking Towers as soon are destroyed, game ends to reduce the slow but inevitable defeat and shorten the games and on top of that implement a reinforcement of 500 vs 500 on top to encourage a different playstyle of the battleground rather than a rush to B, to further add a different outcome of the first initial team fight, and making the game more interesting where the game can be decided by defending the towers as attackers, completely destroying the opposite team by wearing off the reinforcements down to 0, or keep up the generic playstyle of attackers having to breach the keep.
  4. (Possibly the most challenging feature or Point) After a certain timer of the round, the game becomes “Locked” where once a leaver quits the game, there will be no longer any replacements, this is to encourage the current players in the game to finalize the game, prevent alts from main characters to AFK out to only end on the same Battleground you’ve just escaped from (this happens a lot, lol) and another fancy way of simply making a new game in order to prevent “facing the same opponents who are still stuck” in that other round that is still on-going.
  5. Another point that could be interesting, is implementing a MMR along with a “Unrated Rating” that unlocks non-time gated rewards in the form of cosmetics, transmogs, titles, and new achievements that will keep replenish as the seasons progresses and everybody can still achieve them by clearing up the challenges, this is to further motivate players and communities to work together, have fun, and encourage organized teams against other organized groups to make it more engaging and essentially, fun.
  6. Another tricky one is the option of surrendering, exclusive only to Epic Battlegrounds, where the mentioned raid team makes a declaration in the form of a vote who agrees to surrender, or continue to fight on, this will therefore allow you to leave the game, and not gain a deserter buff, resulting in the ending of the match, and the victorious wins.

This have been some of the ideas that I have been speaking to people with for months and finally decided to shed some light onto this community, the purpose of this is to make it welcoming for new and experienced players alike, with a more engaging approach to the Epic Battleground scene, another challenge in this format is to implement the cross faction feature where many people may disagree on since it is essence of this game, where Warcraft has always been about faction war, therefore, I believe having a feature where it allows you to play standard, or cross faction, at the expense that, you may have to wait longer in queue, for obvious reasons.

Another point I’d like to clarify is that many people need to appreciate that this is a game of cooperation and teamwork, and I often find that many players aren’t as cooperative as they should be, or would frown upon anyone who plays with a friend whether it is a 5 man group or larger, at the end of the day that is what this game it has always been about, but I firmly believe that it is time that the Epic Battleground mode had some rework and hopefully some developer or community manager sees this opportunity to fully rework the system to make it appealing for both parties (The solo, lone wolves of the PvP community, or the Community groups that enjoy playing with their friends and guildies who are looking for bigger challenges.)

Another critical issue regarding the performance of the Epic Battleground it is the consistent, clutter of spells that causes connection delays in the form of lag due to the particles due to the poor optimization that should be overlooked and checked since it can be discouraging to play as it is not a welcoming sight specially for newcomers who have a strong system and still struggle to land a spell, so this is one thing I’d like to hear from a community manager or developer (I may be naive to ask, but worth a try)

And one final thing I’d like to encourage all to do is to motivate people to play the game and don’t have to force yourself to play a mode you dislike, sure Epic Battlegrounds can be a little too rough for many players, but at the end of the day, it is a mere game mode, but I believe that with the right tools, and the right attitude and mindset, things can be achieved greatly in this mode, some may agree, some may not, but personally, this mode could do with some polishing here and there.

That’s all from me.


Premades are the biggest problem. You know this.

You can implement all of these suggestions, and premades will still nullify them.


In the morning, there is mostly 1 open EBG, in the evening 4-5 open EBGs. That mean you have like 200 active playing players (on each side) in the evening.
To make it fair you have to split them atleast into 8 groups (MMR 1000, 1250, 1500 and so on). What do you think how long will be the ques? 1h or 2h for 1 match? No BG in the morning and on midday?

If people cant leave, they will go afk. Nice motivation for the rest of the team to win the game :smiley:
Dont get me wrong, i hate those leavers. I like more to replace those cowards and have a chance to get a better player and turn the match (happend alot in the past)

Sorry but this is the biggest BS i have ever read. Votekicks get out of control and you want to give the community a tool to close BGs? omg
Let me explain:

  • the other team have 2 more healer, lets surrender
  • they have a tank we not, lets surrender
  • ah WG defense, lets surrender
  • other team have 8 hunter, lets surrender
  • horde have 1 tower down, lets surrender
  • alli have advantage on this map, lets surrender
  • on no its the “insert name of a premade leader that isnt but ppl think he is” premade, lets surrender

That would kill the BGs cause people are never satisfied.


If you mean based on MMR, this would only further increase wait times and for those who win multiple Epic BGs (sync or no sync) they could end up in a bracket where you have to wait until another sync joins the game or lose intentionally to get into another the “normal players” bracket.

I don’t think there is enough players in Epic BGs to support matchmaking based on MMR. If you want to base it on other factors (party/no party) then you will have what they did in SOD.

I think you already have this somewhere on the interface where you sign up for Random BGs. I will check when I am online.

Sure, why not. Haven’t had any games where the attackers turned the game around after losing all towers - even a Z premade that put toys over our workshop NPCs didn’t win after losing all towers (though they would have if they had like 5more minutes).

I don’t know about this. I’ve had a game with Drex where he joined a lost Isle of Conquest and turned it around.

This feature seems to mechanically encourage defeatism. I think it is more player mentality than a game issue that everyone leaves the second the initial clash fails.

You have BG Blitz for this. If you slap rating on Random BGs, people will get even more mad about losing than some already do.

Eh, given the current player mentality, people will surrender almost instantly when the initial clash or first cap or whatever isn’t in their favor.

What I think are good ideas to deal with the current Epic BG situation (not my ideas, someone else posted them, don’t remember who):

  1. Mix factions for Epic BGs. Even in PUGs some EBGs there are some environment advantages in IOC/AV, like Horde having a worse path to Hangar.

  2. Add a short debuff for declining queue, 5mins or something.

MMR doesn’t work strictly like this, it will consistently search players of a roughly a same level if not similar which means if there’s not enough players of let’s say 2000 rating but there people avaliable at 1700+ rating, those will then be prompt to join the game.

As far I’m aware you can do this if you’re a party lead of a 5 man group, but the point of this is to make it accessible for a solo queue that alllows you to lead from the start.

No feats of strength here or special rewards, this is just simple cosmetics and rewards just like the honor level, bloodthirsty titles and transmogs (new ones that can be acquaired from a vendor without a temporary timer like the elite sets) etc. If anything they could add up a honor level 600 reward-achievement and onwards.

Why so much work when it can just be easy? Current Blizz would never put this much work into something.

You queue for a battleground solo? Ok, you will only face players that aren’t in a group.
You queue for a battleground as group? Ok, you will only face people that are in a group too, regardless of the size.

Done. :man_shrugging:

People could enjoy battlegrounds again and those other specimen can still play with they 20+ “friends”.


Why long queues tho? Do you want to just rush into games where team may not be balanced?

I don’t think that will happen, premades and teamgroups have been a thing since the release of this game 20 years ago.
Nothing wrong with 5 man groups, but I feel sync groups should be paired with other coordinated teams.

Just simple ideas, not buying time for anything, a weird assumption from you.

That wont change anything. Instead of 4x 5-Player groups they would que as 20 Solo Player on 3,2,1click and bypass the mechanic.

An easy Queue System that prevent sync queue would work like:
There are 5 open queue pools (A,B,C,D,E), now 20 People que on the same time:

Player 1 get in pool A, player 2 in pool B, player 3 in pool C, player 4 in pool D, player 5 in pool E, player 6 in pool A, player 7 in pool B and so on.

You will get in best case 4 of 20 People in one BG (in case of group queue you not even get 2 groups in the same BG)

Works fine on games like Fall Guys. But we dont have enough player on the EBG queue pool for that mechanic.

This points could be a straight forward solution that could help prevent facing vs a synchronized raid therefore making it a more balanced and engaging game.

Syncers would sync solo players into the same team instead of groups. We all queue as alliance, if 10 or more get a queue pop, we enter. Very easy to coordinate with voicechat.

Synchronization is the problem; it would still work if you separate group queues from solo player queues. Only mixing the factions and introducing invite decline penalties would help.

Small groups of 2-3 buddies are not the problem to begin with. Your suggestion would also screw them over. Try defeating a sync premade with just one friend.

Btw: looks like an old name among the Syncers is back in business. Nepha is leading sync premades again.


Penalizing those who leave the queue with 15 minutes of desertion debuff is enough. mixing factions is unnecessary.

The old feeling of faction shouldn’t be eliminated.

In principle, you are right, the solution for me was that I only play the corresponding side (whitout Blitz).
For the future you could, so to speak, create a second self with it with your own story, name and look, so if you change fraction for PVP, you change your “self”, something like a worg.

I usually leave the group when I have the premade on my side, before the doors open to lure another character, and hope that they stay on the battlefield long enough so that I can comfortably play on my side.
A mixture of factions would at least make it more difficult for groups to form outside of the permitted five people.

The problem of people who abandon a losing battle after the first small difficulties is in itself a completely diffrent discussion, for which I have no idea of a suolution, expect maybe an Accwide deserter.

What about if people do it as a habit, should the penalties increase overtime in a gradual manner? Or even 15 mins deserter in an account wide?

Account wide that doubles everytime they do it which, if ppl want to, will reset when the dailies reset. Or weekly reset.
Can see it go both good and bad depending how its implemented though.

I just want them to test things. If it doesnt work, just remove or change it.

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Not a bad thing, epic battlegrounds could do with a little overhaul.

I found it - when you have the LFG tool and the page which lets you join Random BGs, Epic BGs etc., then at the bottom of the window there is an arrow that says something like “Battleground options” and if you click it you have the option to request lead in a BG automatically.

The option shows for me as a solo player. Haven’t tried it though.

Yeah, but are there currently enough Epic BGs taking place to enable for example three matches at different MMR taking place at the same time?

No,thats why u play with the same naked bots vs the same Hordepremade entire morning.
Mmr would have been an option when the brackets were alive,they are now on life-support. Ebg Bubble is smaller than my dead Realmpool before it was dissolved.

The challenges of EBGs is in fact organizing several games with 80 players per lobby, but I firmly think with additional new rewards, cosmetics, titles and additional achievements would potentially bring more players to the mode, I think a rework in Epic BGs would help by slightly reducing player cap by 10 (30 vs 30) to further expand more games, reduce the delay due to the mass-spells and improve overall game mode by having multiple lobbies therefore implement “unrated” MMR specially during peaktime.

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The rewards are probably not the problem.

PVP, in this case the EPICs, should be fun with a certain strategic incentive, if there is a wish for personal challenge, then you should play Ratings.

Epics random are a team play, and you can only make the best of what you get and try to find the best out of your self, and I’m not speaking of gear or numbers.
When you compete it’s all about working together, and not some weird addons who tel u who did the most damage or healing , I admit they are helpful.

Epics is a different playing field, as for example, two against two, or the little ones.

Please let us casuals a battlefield, where we can learn and bring on our simple axe, maybe we’ll enjoy it and want more?

I like the idea of Wargames, those who wanted to compete which each other shoult play this, but please not at the expense of som Sunday Palyers.

Trouble is, people come with the mindset ‘It’s just an Epic Battleground’ ‘Who cares’ ‘Let them win’ which is not great, people need to appreciate that there is a handful of players who are playing for the win, personally in my case, otherwise what is the point of a mode where you play only to kill when you could still obtain far more.

I also think as you suggest, if you’re defending let’s say Iceblood, or a Workshop, you should gain far more honor value than the ‘Honorable defender’ buff where you gain 50% honor, if anything they should award conquest, even if it’s 5 conquest points.

The purpose of rewards and cosmetic, is to further motivate and encourage players to work as a team, you don’t win games? you don’t gain rewards. It is a carrot in a stick view but it seems practical on paper.