Epic BG's need a complete rework

Isle of Conquest, can’t get hanger. Players leave.
Wintergrasp, Can’t get Sunken Ring as attacker or Defender. Players leave.
Ashran, You got the flags? Good job…Oh nvm, they went backdoor you lose or you get farmed to dead cause you got 40 dps while the other faction has a good amount of healers.
AV, You might get towers but probably not.

The designs are terrible. I recommend either remove them completely since they don’t work as they were once intended or bring them back as they were but for the current max level. No queue, just an open world zone where you can have long battles.


Imo they should give more honor as to make them more worthwhile and they should give you an enhanced deserter debuff, like at least 30 mins long. Also add dampening to bgs in general, healers are stupid strong and I honestly don’t care if less of them queue.

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None of that will solve the problem. I can’t blame people for leaving. They need to be redesigned. A longer deserter buff will only force people to remain in a losing game.

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It would be nice if they introduced Tol’Barad, a new EBG.