Last night while checking my active quests in Oribos my partner got Dc’d form the game and upon logging back in discovered the quests and progress in the Campaign were gone. We tried to raise a ticket, after flushing cache/wtf/interface folders … but the support website was a complete nightmare … 50 million irrelevant questions then forces you to upload a system profile file … then no confirmation ticket was successfully opened or email confirmation to registered address … anyone able to help?
It doesn’t seem that you have created a ticket. In any situation, the covenant campaign quests show at the top of your quest log. Similarly, you can also see them on the World Map in the appropriate zones.
Yeah, this is a bit late in my response but the outstanding issues remain. 1. The support websites are a complete nightmare trying to gatekeeper/shepherd your problem down a whole range of irrelevant paths such that it impossible to submit your true problem. 2. The original question was about the game “deleting” quests from the very menu you refer to AND erasing progress towards chained quests because of a disconnection.