Are you saying the wise and insightful retributor is wrong? He has solid intel that 96,4% of the developers are horde mains.
The bane of the alliance.
Horde characters are never relevant for the greater lore. They die off like flies while the alliance ones get all the spotlight.
Your warchief was the major spotlight for 2 expansions straight, and even got the chance of redeeming herself unlike a character loved by the entire wow community cough Arthas cough cough, but is seems the simps are not yet satisfied?
Because Sylvanas was punished and is trapped in the Maw. She is no longer of use for the Horde. Meanwhile alliance butt crawler are in charge of the faction and spit of the sacrifices of our allies by making deals with the enemy. Not to mention that all major cosmic forces are mainly led by alliance characters like Velen, Malfurion and Alleria. Blizzard doesn’t care about the Horde. Never did. This game is an alliance only experience when you want to be part of the lore.
We wil never be able to work with the horde and delusionals like Erevien are the proof of that, we must wipe them out of Kalimdor, they are nothing but bloothirsty warmongers.
No. It is the alliance that causes all the problems. They want world supremacy and have screwed over many races to reach their dominion over two continents. From Gnolls over Trolls and others. Their evil deeds need to eb stopped.
In the first war the horde came out of the Dark Portal with the intend of wiping out the races of Azeroth and take that world for their “race”, they waged war against the humans and against the High Elves (your people).
Then they set sail to Kalimdor and invaded the sacred woods of the Kaldorei, Ashenvale, during the invasion Grom Hellscream accepts the demonic corruption to kill the demigod Cenarius and fight the night elves.
Some years later, during the Cataclysm, the horde decides to head north and attack the forests of the Night elves once again, invading their villages and hometowns.
Then, with the power of the Focusing Iris, the horde builds a massive mana bomb with the purpose of destroying the city of Theramore, with it, killing woman, men, elder and child alike.
“My people! You are blessed among orcs to live in a time of history. A time when I, Garrosh Hellscream, am poised to claim Kalimdor for the Horde. The human contagion that had taken foul root in Theramore has been cleansed by the essence of arcane magic. They are no more! Jaina Proudmoorewill no longer emasculate us as a people with her soft-mouthed words of peace. They fell on deaf ears, and now she and her kingdom are but dust. But that is not enough. The night elves are next. For so long they have denied us the basic needs of life. We will deprive them of their lives, of their cities, and send what few we spare to become refugees of the Eastern Kingdoms. I, Garrosh, will humble them and reduce them to begging for mere morsels of food and a place to sleep, while the Horde avails itself of their riches. Their cities are cut off from aid by stout Horde battleships, and when we are ready to invade, they will fall before us like wheat before the scythe!”- Garrosh Hellscream
Due to the events at the Battle of Angrathar the Wrathgate, the Forsakedn are “in the dog house” with the rest of the and the Horde leadership. With the Horde now controlled by Warchief Garrosh Hellscream , Garrosh has ordered Sylvanas Windrunner to claim Gilneas so the Horde can have a port in southern Lordaeron, during the invasion Sylvanas deploys the plague a weapon so vile that Warchief Garrosh the dog himself, forbade.
Some years later, The War of Thorns happens, the horde now led by Sylvanas Windrunner marches on Kaldorei land with the goal of taking them for the horde again, and in the process killing Malfurion Stormrage, they send the Sin’dorei assasin Lorash Summerbean to spill first blood, with his poison he silently and dishonorably kills the civillians of Astranaar along with sentinels and priestesses, Sylvanas marches onto Darkshore, and invades the Night elf outpost of Lor’danel.
After the battle is over Sylvanas plans to take over Darnassus and the World Tree Teldrassil but a dying Delaryn Summermoon in her last breaths explains Sylvanas that she won the battle and that in the tree only remain the civilians, after a brief and macabre conversation between Sylvanas and Delarin about Sylvanas’s past, Delaryn lets out a tear and says that Sylvanas can kill her people, but she can never kill hope, Sylvanas smiles at the dying night elf and asks her “Can’t i?”, she commands her troops to burn the world tree down with the goal of genociding the night elves, burning alive thousands of night elf men, women, elder,child and babe, wich will end up in the Maw to suffer for all eternity, also Sylvanas work.
Given the history of the faction, i dare to say that the horde are the ones who commit evil deeds, are the agressors and supremacists and the ones who should be wiped out of Kalimdor! Tor ilisar’thera’nal, For Kalimdor! Never forget!
The Orcs never won any of their wars. Otherwise the humans would be the race afraid of dying out. The Alliance never came close to destruction.
More than half of our race was destroyed. We lost Ashenvale, Stonetalon, Azshara and most of the continent we once called home is now in the hands of the horde tyrants, stop acting like you’re the victim.
We are the victim. Orcs and Trolls suffered for ages.
You know who suffered for ages? The Quel’dorei aka your people, the trolls slaughtered your people for ages, you hold no grudges against them? Against the Amani? You know what they did to your wifes and to your children? They are your ancient enemies!
Zug zug my friend! This orc want some justice!
Is this what you are now Erevien? A plaything for the Orcs, a servant of your conquerors… Pathetic…
Bob betrayed our race when he made a pact with Jaina. The elves have lost their dignity due to compliency.
Because as i said, Bob is a plaything for the Orcs, you know who isn’t? The true sons of Quel’thalas, the High elves, the ones who stood loyal to the alliance, not as slaves or servants but as proud battle brothers and sisters, while you are living in Orgrimmar’s slums with trolls and orcs they are fighting along side their true allies.
Their ancestors are smiling at them Erevien, can you say the same?
I think they should each set up their own community
Horde Bias and Alliance Bias!
The humans never cared about the elves. They were expandable meat shields. We teached them magic and in return they betrayed us.