but talkin about orcs crimes. ji firepaw is still alive?
Sadly yes. That useless Panda gets on my nerves.
i was wondering where you were during the siege. in orgrimmar or outside?
"I want to start sis video by apologizing because I really haven’t put out anyfing for se last sree mons "
Apologise for the MESS in your room!
(Welcome back, Erevien x)
Deal with the truth.
I hate the Dracthyr Lore might do a video about it.
I will only watch it if it’s recorded in a spotless environment.
They choose their own Destiny ™ if they wasen’t such terrible people they wouldn’t be dead
Keal’thas Sunstrider may have started out with noble ideals but his ever increasing need for his mana fix drove him down a dark path allying with the very force that destroyed his homeland when he joined hands with kil’jaeden not only did he betray his people but even his father who had died defending his people from the scourge what a terrible son
No they didn’t. Kael’thas was turned into a raid boss because Horde races aren’t allowed to have cool leaders.
oh i’m not denying that but the lore says he was a terrible leader and that’s fact everytime i go to revendreth and see him hovering there i’m reminded of TBC turning most of my favorite characters into pinatas for sweaty tryhard raiders
then again i did smile a bit of keal’thas being lead around like a dog by the accuser it almost made me think it was some sort form of bondage play but then i remembered this is new and improved blizzard surely they wouldn’t do that
How many Sylvanas-pillows do you have, Erevien?
knowing him all of them and then he eat the bottle too
He was the best. And he deserves to return along with any other good Horde leader we lost during the last few years.
The High elves and the humans formed a military alliance in exchange for the instruction of 100 humans in arcane magic. Together, they crushed the Amani; an empire that had endured for more than twenty thousand years. Humans and high elves have cultivated this alliance ever since.
Garithos was a dick, i can agree with that, but if it wasn’t for him you would be an Alliance race.
Actually they did, they won the first war.
But why would you be happy with that anyways? You know what the orc filth did to your Kingdom? Have you never heard of the Burning of Quel’thalas?
The Burning of Quel’Thalas was the attack on Quel’Thalas made by the Horde during the Second War in order to secure the help of their Amani allies. Initially, the Horde was capable of pushing the high elves all the way back to Silvermoon City, where a barrier was erected to halt their advance. The Horde eventually retreated from Quel’Thalas, finding the invasion futile for their purposes, and headed towards Lordaeron, giving the elves the opportunity to push back and reclaim their lands.
In a previous thread you even said that the green orcs were the worst race in the horde as well as the tauren and that they should be kicked out, the Orcs created the horde, so you are patriot of what? A horde full of Trolls? The ones who massacred your people for thousands of years? Greedy goblins? Who only care about the cash, no pride?
Look at the mirror and reflect on your thoughts, “Patriot of the Horde”…
You had my interest because the topic name, but then I realised its another belf#2495201 with random generated name. Most likely a nuisance at best.
If you don’t know Erevien you must be new here his been posting crap like this for nearly a decade now most us humor or troll him