Erevien is a dangerous extremist

Youre calling someone a dangerous extremist…
In 2021 that can be a serious accusation, just sayin :laughing:

Surely if you read my poor mage themed puns underneath that points towards a lack of seriousness? Paired with a general similarity in tone to his posts, I thought it would have been obvious… Oh well he clearly got it, but you’re not wrong, this is 2021, the era of misunderstandings, social media outrage over out of context quotes, “cancellations” and twitter campaigns working more efficiently than parliament petitions! :laughing:

Maybe I’ll put a south park style disclaimer on my next post.


That was my point all along.
When nelf druuds called everybody that liked + likes sylvanas a natsi because she committed “genocide” like the other guys did, you see any seriousness on thiss?

He just does what they do, they other way around.

pretty sure even back then, there were loads who had an issue on it. pretty sure on that fact because i was one of them.

wasn’t a fan of it back then, and im not a fan of it even now.

how about using a discussion forum to… discuss things? e_e

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I had an issue back in MoP during SoO, they should have their own now.

Yes discuss but calling someone a natsi because he likes sylvanas is not a discussion, its tagging to fearmonger whatever does not suit their needs.
You should say this to them, not me. ^^

Well yes, not really a great direction on every other side.

and far as I remember, I have - and many others have - told them this same fact. but that didn’t work. it has come to the point where both sides of the coin are just as bad as each other no matter who deserves the right.


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Luckily for me I was taking a break during most of end of legion leading to most of bfa so never saw what hysteria came to these forums over the burning of teldrassil. I can imagine it must have been quite toxic towards all directions of the spectrum.

The people who call Sylvanas fans natsis are probably the same people who “campaigned” to cancel that lady from The Mandalorian show, yet proceed to carry on paying Disney+ even though they actively promote serious racism and discrimination in China (see new Mulan film controversy, and new star wars poster editing to reduce John Boyega’s character importance).

So yeah I try not to get involved with winging fans that are unable to live if they don’t virtue signal every 5 minutes. :woozy_face:

There is no right or wrong when it comes to something “FAKE” such as lore inside a game im afraid because… Its fictional.

Now one of these forum warrior nelf druuds took it to the next level saying not only im a suporter of dictators, but i was raised in one family under dictatorship therefore this is why i think sylvanas is OK.

Now that accusation was not fake, because i exist. Their nelf NPC’s dont.

Read above :rofl:

The leather couch SJW’s on the internet. Nothing new.

Its two sides of the story anyways.
I mean personally i wouldnt give a damn if all the Jedi extinct.



Now you get the point :stuck_out_tongue:


Sorry to hear to that. On the other hand I’m not surprised, considering people send death threats in the blink of an eye in this day and age!

If all the jedis went extinct, how are they going to milk the franchise further? :upside_down_face:

If you’re interested in Sylvanas and have way too much free time on your hand, I highly recommend this video essay about her and generally grey morality. Very eloquent and interesting. It’s pretty long though.

As much as I did not think I would say it, as I play through BfA quests I got a feeling that the devs do deserve all the criticizm they got over the BfA and then some.

As for the players… well, with the devs being deaf, what else would they do. From my experience, it was possible to have discussion with some of them too. Like, I remember last summer / autumn some forum wars with @Liira-die-aldor. But I had some interesting conversation with this player.

Not a good idea to be antagonistic to others, but I can understand where people could be coming from.

edit: did not watch the video yet, but IMO to have a possibility of something “morally grey”, it’s not enough to muddle the negative spectrum. It also requires not to have explicitly correct / good answers. Because then all there is: 1 correct way / character, and different degrees of badness.

gl hf

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Good Post Chronorabbit,
there were many people getting of at the Drama, but also quite a few people who were up for a real discussion about the story back then, even if they didn’t agree with you.

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What an absolutely crazy idea!


It’s been a while since I watched that video but I think the lady who’s making the presentation isn’t taking a stance on the matter of grey morality, rather discussing various aspects of the subjects, what worked, what didn’t changes over time etc.


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I mean not so much a stance on the subject, but that when you have a game which has unquestionably correct characters / motivations, Sylvanas can’t really be “morally grey” IMO.

She’s just bad for some degree of badness. Since she’s a part of the horde during the events discussed, her degree of being wrong is supposedly measured against Baine (and taurens in general), and maybe Thrall to degree (interation of Thrall that goes to “save” Baine of cource).

gl hf

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Absolutely. To be honest “grey morality” has a pretty flexible interpretation, thus most conversations around Sylvanas being one are often lacking.

The way I see it, it’s another way of asking the question “does the end justify the means?”. But it doesn’t stop there as it then has to be put in context. Apologies but the next example might sound convoluted.

You have character X that belongs to group Y, which all believe in philosophy Z. X does something which although everyone in Y benefited from, the way X did said act makes everyone in Y feel uncomfortable because the act clashes with the general believes of the adopted belief system Z.

Does this make person X morally grey, or everyone who benefited and condoned their actions as well? In such case there is no moral greyness, just moral flexibility that ultimately evolves and creates a new belief system, Z2.0.

It goes without saying that the victims/enemies of X’s actions are by default opposed thus see X as morally wrong in every way.

Thus grey morality seems more of a slippery slope that very quickly tries to justify horrible acts, and here enters Windrunner…

Now I don’t place judgement on Sylvanas and the general very odd story the writers are trying to say with her yet. Why? We don’t know the full extend of the Jailer’s plans, the complete history of the Shadowlands, how it operated before his “unspeakable crimes” and how and why the machinery of death exists and works that way.

Regardless of how this goes though, I suspect that “morally grey” won’t be a possibility as she’ll either be a villain through and through that simply enabled an unconditional evil by committing various war crimes, or a hero who broke the status quo and created a new reality in which her kin, allies and even enemies benefit from by again committing various war crimes, which everyone will eventually forget, misinterpret and celebrate out of context in future national holidays…

Slippery-slippedy-slope. :sweat_smile:

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I like sylvanas because they dislike them and because she burned down the druid RP tree. I wish she will burn the next and last as well :stuck_out_tongue:

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is that the elf who constantly simps for sylvanas.

defending mass genocide is certainly an interesting take to have.

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