ERP problem

Why do ERP guys do it? What drives these people? It’s a fairly known secret that the Goldshire Inn usually reserved for groups of extremely disturbed individuals.

Sips on morning tea

If its a “fairly known secret” it aint a secret then is it ? : p

Also calling people “extremly disturbed” for going to one location or another just shows what a narrow minded individual you are…you do realise most ERP happens outside of Goldshire right ?

Goldshire is like a constant Darkmoon Faire …place where most people can be OOC and talk #¤%# with eachother without interupting or interfering with RP

People in Goldshire dont judge…are super friendly and everyone is welcome!

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Are you cool with the fact that underage players likely participate in this?

If people wish to ERP with eachother that is between those individuals to ensure everything is on the “up and up” so to speak

And if you think those issues only exist within “ERP” maybe you should look closer at “House/Noble/Guard” guilds which in many cases have a habit of having the “commander/noble” taking their female participants down into some dungeon for “punishment”

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It’s a weird position to be in to defend grooming/statuary because “consent can be given between both parties”, ignorant to the fact minors are in no place to consent. It is not solely up to the ERPers in question; it is also up to Blizzard, who have reiterated this is a game that houses children and that erotic themes are a bannable offence.

ERP happens everywhere in every game I ever played. People have ERP scenes on Skype, Whatsapp etc. What drives these people is sex and the need for connection. When people are starved for connection they will find way to, one way or another, find a connection however they see fit. People who ERP have a need. I find it unkind to call them ‘extremely disturbed individuals’. It is too harsh. Instead of looking at the ERP people, find out why your reaction is so strong. Go within my friend and look, instead of looking at others.

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You are aslo forgetting the parents of these children.

Are you cool with the fact that a lot of really unpleasant things all over the world happens to underaged children? Or does it only bother you because it happens right under your nose in the game?

Yah you are getting reported for that because what you did is just called “Slander” and is considered illegal :slight_smile:

Where am i defending that in the slightest ? Perhaps rather then make a absurd assumption you can ask someone to clarify what they meant with “up and up” rather offensive to have someone put words in ones mouth like that

By “up and up” for instance between two consenting adults for one

Of course adults can erp all they want. Just don’t use a childrens video game as a platform to erp or look for it. Is that really too much to ask for?

In my honest opinion, I’ve always found these discussions are only made for the sake of complaining and that they’re never going anywhere.

Perhaps people may satisfy some degree of self-importance by discussing ridiculos discussions such as these, or perhaps they simply have nothing better to do.
Because, all facts considered, these discussions are pointless. Do you really think that this discussion hasn’t been brought up before? Do you think the amount of care given by the blizzard employees changes as a result of this? No.

Because you have to get it out of your head that any company or system gives a hoot about you or anyone. The danger caused by these people is small, and the amount of people that perform these acts are insignificant in the long run. You delude yourself if you think Blizzard is going to ever going to spend any amount of resources to work against this insignificant “threat” just so people can satisfy their idealistic agendas.

It’s literally just like I would complain to the government that there are obscene things being drawn on a building in some fiendish part of the city that’s affecting the development of the children negatively. Get over youself.

But even if that’s not enough for you, be at ease knowing that every actually serious RolePlay guild on Argent Dawn has strict rules against ERP, and the behavior is overall discouraged by the entire community. As such, this threat that doesn’t let you sleep at night for some reason is mostly restrained to Goldshire, so the chances of someone actually being caught up into something like this is just slightly above impossible.

But please, PLEASE, continue to occupy your priecous mind with thoughts about what evil EVIL things will happen to the children who are on Argent Dawn because of the moustache-twirling, injust ERPers, while the actual real world is infested with illegal cartels who abduct real people and do unspeakable things to them and ruin their lives.

But the truth is, you never cared about that. You never cared about ERP or Cartels. You merely pretended that you cared about ERP because it was a tangible thing you knew existed, and you felt this unstopabble feeling to express your disapproval of it and your self-importance, so EVERYONE knew that you were against this filthy injustice, just so you can get a dopamine hit out of it.

But please, don’t listen to me. Feel free to continue your self-righteous very productive crusade. Only you, only YOU can save the mistreated children. Only you can stop this “problem”.


Hi :slight_smile:

As always, inappropriate activities can be reported with the “report player” tool ingame. These reports attach account and character logs for investigation by support. This also includes inappropriate “profiles” from RP addons. Customer Support is able to view profiles via logs and reports, and will action accounts found to be posting content not suitable for the game.
