Error #0 (0x851000000) - PTR only

Hiya - only effects shadows lands PTR - retail and classic are fine.

Error #0x851000000 Assertion Failure!
Program: c:\program files (x86) World of warcraft\ptr_\wowT.exe
ProcessID: 13564
ThreadID: 736
D:\Buildserver\Wow\3\work\shard-checkout\branches\wow-patch-9_0_1 -branch-fastpatch-21\Engine\Source\GX\src\GXApi.Cpp
Line: 635
Expr: dx11support

like I say, only effects shadowlands PTR - and yes, I have looked at the thread about this issue - tried all.


Sounds like an issue with the selected graphic api.

Maybe try the different Graphic APIs System > Advanced > Graphics API.

Hello Ombrelegere

Please report the issue via

Issue is related to unreleased content. Please use the relevant alpha/beta/PTR forums for any and all issues with content which is not yet live.