Error #132 since 8.1


Since the patch everytime i try to login i get disconnected on the loading screen with Error #132. If i turn all my addons off i can login… once I’m logged in i can logout and reload my addons and login again without problem.

But everytime i completely exit wow and try to login again i have to go thought the same cycle. Turn off addons - login - logout - turn on addons - login.

If it was an addon causing this problem surely it wouldn’t let me do this cycle? I have my addons up to date and have tried disabling one by one to maybe find the problem addon.

Your OS is up to date? System drivers are up to date?

Hi, yeah they are up to date. I updated my gfx drivers yesterday when i first got the problem.

Try this maybe.

I have done that and it works. But as soon as i exit the game completely and relogin i get the same issue.

This application has encountered a critical error:

ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal exception!

Program: F:\World of Warcraft_retail_\Wow.exe
ProcessID: 15436

The instruction at “0x0000000000000000” referenced memory at “0x0000000000000000”.
The memory could not be “executed”.

I could paste the whole error log but its fairly big :stuck_out_tongue:

I see try to repair the game through the desktop application.


Do u use a OSD like Rivatuner/Afterburner ? Deactivate the OSD, has solve this Problem for me.

@Stalks just disable “Details” Addon and login.
After you are ingame, you can activate “Details” again.
Every time you start wow from bnet you need to disable “Details”.

What do you mean by Details?

I can´t play at all. Since update the blizzard app says i have to move my folder to an local disc, and i only have 1 disc. Can´t remove folder either so it seems i have to formate my computer

That part of the log by itself doesn’t say much. Also does it only ever crash when addons are enabled? Because addons can definitely cause this kind of crash, it can be just one particular function that’s messing up on login.

Yup it only crashes when i first open the game. I have to disable all addons, login once then i can logout and enable them again. But if i close the game completely then i have to go through that cycle again. What part of the log do you need? or i can post the whole lot

Just post the whole thing, but do keep in mind the forum isn’t meant to be a replacement for the support ticket system so even if players here can try and help, you might need to ticket if you want to to get in touch with a Blizzard staff member (though they’ll probably ask you to reset the interface completely, since they can’t help troubleshoot addons).

I have reset the the interface, but the issue is when addons are first enabled. I have turned them off one by one to see if i could find the one causing problems but it gave the same error. 10 addons on or 1 addon on always the same error. heres the log
<Jira.JiraProjectId> 10900
<Jira.JiraProjectKey> WOW8
<Exception.ProjectId> 10
<Exception.BuildNumber> 28724
<Exception.Branch> 8.1.0
World of WarCraft
Type: WoW
Executable UUID: 2824808D-E95D-4060-A91B-CE6B50427F24
<Wow.Platform> X64
<Exception.Platform> Win 10 (64-bit)
Virtual Memory: 0.00 MB
Free Disk Space: 113.37 GB
Exe Built: Dec 7 2018 14:55:23
Init: 000003FF 00000000
App Up Time: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 23 seconds
System Up Time: 3 days, 21 hours, 28 minutes, 14 seconds
Current Frame: 873
Current Time: 336498318
Current Tick: 10
Addon resource usage (not including lua memory): 0
Number of thread pool threads (Total/HighPriority): 9/3
<Locale.Text> enUS
<Locale.Audio> enUS
Session Time(hh:mm:ss): 00:00:10
<SessionTime.Grouping> 00:00:00 - 00:14:59
Time in World(hh:mm:ss): 00:00:00
<TimeInWorld.Grouping> 00:00:00 - 00:00:00
Total Time in World(hh:mm:ss): 00:00:00
<TotalTimeInWorld.Grouping> 00:00:00 - 00:00:00
Total lua memory: 65382KB
<Addons.Current> WarGameHelper
<Addons.Current.Function> WarGameHelperPartyLeader1InfoName:SetText
<Addons.Current.Object> WarGameHelper
<Set.Addons.All.Loaded> BigDebuffs
<Set.Addons.All.Loaded> flyPlateBuffs
<Set.Addons.All.Loaded> GladiatorlosSA2
<Set.Addons.All.Loaded> Gladius
<Set.Addons.All.Loaded> HandyNotes
<Set.Addons.All.Loaded> HandyNotes_BattleForAzerothTreasures
<Set.Addons.All.Loaded> LoseControl
<Set.Addons.All.Loaded> OmniBar
<Set.Addons.All.Loaded> OmniCC
<Set.Addons.All.Loaded> Pawn
<Set.Addons.All.Loaded> Recount
<Set.Addons.All.Loaded> TellMeWhen
<Set.Addons.All.Loaded> WarGameHelper
<Set.Addons.All.Loaded> DBM-Core
<Set.Addons.All.Loaded> DBM-DefaultSkin
<Set.Addons.All.Loaded> DBM-StatusBarTimers
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> Azeroth Auto Pilot
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> Bartender4
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> BattleGroundEnemies
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> BattlegroundTargets
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> BigDebuffs
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> BittensSpellFlashLibrary
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> BittensSpellFlash_Priest
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> DebuffFilter
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> ExtraCD
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> flyPlateBuffs
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> GladiatorlosSA2
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> GladiatorlosSA
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> Gladius
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> GladiusEx
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> HandyNotes
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> HandyNotes_BattleForAzerothTreasures
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> HandyNotes_DraenorTreasures
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> HandyNotes_LegionRaresTreasures
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> LoseControl
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> MasterPlan
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> MasterPlanA
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> OmniBar
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> OmniCC
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> OmniCC_Config
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> Pawn
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> PowerInterface
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> Quartz
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> Recount
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> SalvageCrates
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> SpellFlashCore
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> TellMeWhen
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> TellMeWhen_Options
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> TidyPlates
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> TidyPlatesHub
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> TidyPlatesWidgets
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> TidyPlates_Graphite
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> TidyPlates_Grey
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> TidyPlates_Neon
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> TidyPlates_Quatre
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> TomTom
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> WarGameHelper
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> WorldQuestTracker
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> SpellFlash
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> SUI
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> DBM-Core
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> DBM-DefaultSkin
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> DBM-GUI
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> DBM-StatusBarTimers
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> DBM-Azeroth-BfA
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> DBM-ZuldazarRaid
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> DBM-Brawlers
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> DBM-DMF
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> DBM-Party-BfA
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> DBM-PvP
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> DBM-CrucibleofStorms
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> DBM-Uldir
<Set.Addons.All.Unloaded> DBM-WorldEvents
<Addons.HasAny.Loading> No
<Addons.HasAny.Loaded> Yes
<IME.Current> “”, {00000000-0000-0000-0000000000000000}, inactive
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<LoadingScreen.Enabled> Yes
<CombatLogEntry.Current> CombatLogEntry::PushEvent(casterGuidType, targetGuidType): 0, 0
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Number of successful WoWConnections: 13
<Realm.Name> Anachronos
<Realm.Flags> 0x00
Battle Tag:
Last Known Player: 0000000000000000, (0, 0, 0, 0)
Selected Player: Player-1082-066B00F2
<Character.Info.Race> Orc
<Character.Info.Class> Rogue
<Character.Info.Spec> Assassination

CVar Settings:
<CVar.portal> EU
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<CVar.raidGraphicsLiquidDetail> 3.000000
<CVar.raidGraphicsSunshafts> 3.000000
<CVar.raidGraphicsParticleDensity> 4.000000
<CVar.raidGraphicsSSAO> 4.000000
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<CVar.raidGraphicsOutlineMode> 3.000000
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<CVar.Sound_EnableAmbience> 0
<CVar.Sound_EnableDialog> 0
<CVar.seenAlliedRaceUnlocks> A@@@L`

Installation settings:

UID: wow_engb
Expansion Level: 7
PTR: 0
Beta: 0
ProductCode: ‘WoW’


<Graphics.ShaderModel> dx_5_0

Adapter 0 (Active):
Description: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970
<Graphics.PCIIdentifier> VID=0x10DE,DID=0x13C2,REV=0xA1,SSID=0x85081043
<Graphics.VendorID> 0x10DE
Vid Mem: 4043 MB
Sys Mem: 0 MB
Shared Mem: 8172 MB
Flags: 0x00000000
<Graphics.DX12UMDVersion> 24.21.0013.9882

Adapter 1:
Description: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
Graphics.PCIIdentifier VID=0x1414,DID=0x008C,REV=0x00,SSID=0x00000000
Graphics.VendorID 0x1414
Vid Mem: 0 MB
Sys Mem: 0 MB
Shared Mem: 8172 MB
Flags: 0x00000002
Graphics.DX12UMDVersion 10.0.17134.0112


Lua Stack

[C]: in function ‘SetText’
Interface\AddOns\WarGameHelper\WarGameHelper.lua:257: in function ‘RefreshPartyLeaderFrame’
Interface\AddOns\WarGameHelper\WarGameHelper.lua:270: in function ‘RefreshPartyLeaderFrames’
Interface\AddOns\WarGameHelper\WarGameHelper.lua:380: in function <Interface\AddOns\WarGameHelper\WarGameHelper.lua:363>

It wouldn’t let me post too much, complained about links and amount of text :open_mouth:

Well, at that point WarGameHelper is doing something at the time of the crash.
When you say you reset the interface, did you do a complete reset (including renaming the WTF, Cache and Interface folders) while the game was closed and then installing some of your addons from scratch? Just turning the addons off or removing the Interface folder alone won’t do a proper reset.

I just wanted to highlight the above, as disabling addons does not remove them from the game. They are still loaded into the game and could cause trouble. Please go through the steps to clear your UI (addons) completely and disable your addon manager (if you use one) completely as well to prevent it from restoring your addons/settings before testing World of Warcraft again.

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!

I have read that log and saw the wargame helper text, i have no idea why i didn’t act on it sooner. I deleted it and everything works again :blush:

Thanks and sorry for being dumb :kissing: