Error acces violation - memory - crash (maybe Solved, come) ⭐

Already tried, even with W7/8 compatibility

I’ve even tried formatting, even with a blank windows, it doesn’t work, I’ll wait for a probable patch from blizzard concerning the game :frowning:

what is your OS ? win 11 ?

Windows 10

Bios update mabye?

Is your proc in the list of product bellow? (link)

Yes frankly I’ve already tried everything, updated bios, updated driver, formatting, nothing works, I’ll just pray for a patch from blizzard

Can show me a screen of the software with the greyed option?

https:// imgur. com/a/CTvLwwX

already done, I think there’s a defect somewhere, I’ll go ask on intel’s reddit, we’ll see.

yep…this is why im avoiding building my new pc till 15th gen, this past few gens been a hot mess

the only solution ive found from other people is to buy a different CPU thats not of the previous 2 gens. but again, idk if that will work for you since it might be a diff issue. but most likely its intels cpu

If the CPU is already degraded there’s no real fix apart from an RMA unfortunately :neutral_face: