Error acces violation - memory - crash (maybe Solved, come) ⭐

Can you please fix your game and your launcher blizzard ?

Zero problem until this afternoon, now impossible to log,

Crash after crash, nothing I can do.

Everything is updated etc etc etc

Fix your game.

Solution :

I had that error on my new pc. Had to get my cpu replaced.

Potential solution:

Impossible to test because its impossible to log…

i tried to remove every character from the warband and try. Nothing change

I just try to create a level 1 toon : impossible to log

Had nothing wrong until this afternoon.

edit : sucess to log to reduce graphic level 10 to 1.

I recently tmog the lamp held in off hand lamp from a arati quest., removed.

I ll test, with level 10 graph ofc.

Unfortunate, I saw it maybe had to do with the 13 or 14th gen intel CPU as well. They may very well be trying to fix it but could take awhile.


yes same here. 13900

I had the same issue at the beginning of season 3, resolving myself with the Intel anti errur mod in BIOS system settings.

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This sounds like an error in the simulation code, though could be 13th and 14th gen Intel as well of course…

I think all you have to disable is the physics simulation? Maybe that’ll work.

which setting part is that ?

Actually I successed to relog after reduce grap level 10 to 1 and removing the held on off hand tmog (a lamp with a chain) and reset level 10 graph.

I m still in game, no crash, for the moment…

Uhh… no idea. It used to be its own setting but I’m not near a PC right now to check for you.

Reee even Xal’ is mocking me :dracthyr_crylaugh:

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Nobody is safe from her smirks.

Also, theres a problem with the latest windows 11 updates - known to cause issues with WoW and Diablo 4. Theres an article about it in PC Gamer.

I have the game crashing for last week or so, only way to start it is in small window or it crashes on char screen, changing characters is impossible.

There is alot ppl with same or similar problems, blizz replies were typical check wowhead or delete addons… I went through it all to reinstalls, repairs, bios and os updates etc, nothing works.

Something is deffinitely wrong with game accesing memory since last big update.

It seem I found a solution, thanks to Navi (WoW-FR)


J’ai aussi ce soucis et j ai trouvé une solution sur le forum us
Peut-être temporaire mais au moins j’arrive à jouer .

Le but du jeu est de faire l’inverse de l’overcloking.
C’est réduire la vitesse
(Mon pc est un Aurora 15 avec Intel 13 em génération et carte graphique 4090.)

Tu prends l’utilitaire de Intel (si tu as bien un Intel)


Et tu baisse la vitesse à 52 au lieu de 55 de base .
Chez moi ça fonctionne.
Et des que j’oublie de le faire avant de jouer , ça crash direct .

J’espère que ça aidera

I ll translate


I ve the same solution and I have found a solution on the US forums. Maybe it’s temporaly but atleast I can play.

The goal is to do the opposite of overclocking by reducing the performance core ratio (speed)
My computer is an Aurora 15 with intel 13th gen and 4090 GPU

You need to use the Intel’s tool called " intel-extreme-tuning-utility "

I add the direct link:

You need to reduce from 55 (default) to 52.
For me it seem to works.
And if I forgot to set like this then its re-crash again like before.

I hope it will help.


I tried then it also works for me.


I’ve tried with my i9 13900K but the option “Performance Core Ratio” is greyed out and I can’t access it. Can anyone explain why and how to do this?

I ve the same processor than you, 13900K.

I just install the tool and nothing was greyed :man_shrugging:

Over performance core ration, is that noticed “Manual Tuning” ?

Yes ?

There is a blue square with “Automatic Overclock” written in it and “Manual Tuning” underneath.

Same as me. I dont get why you can customize the first line :man_shrugging:

I guess you re stucked at 55x ?

Exact, I have 55x, and i can’t change

try to run it with admin mode maybe