Error BLZ51901016

When I log in, I get error BLZ51901016. I’ve tried everything to run the game over the Battle Net, uninstall and reinstall and fix over Options and always with the same result.

Okay, hold on.

Have you tried deleting the game’s WTF folder, and have you verified the game cache?

I deleted the WTF folder and the game cache.

Hey Wilexis,

You mentioned trying everything to run the game over the BattleNet. Just to make sure, are you now using the Blizzard App to launch World of Warcraft? If not, please do make sure you do that.

Additionally, please close background applications and double check after the restart if there are any other applications active that provide an overlay option (disable that if it is active).

Have a few seconds to spare? Let me know how I’m doing!