Error from addons

First when I got this error I thought its from the addons, but lately all the addons giving the same exact error so I am now leaning towards the new patch has an issue, and the way to solve this is to /reload UI – everytime, and its getting difficult. Sometimes I do reload UI mid-fight.

check the error image.

Same here - prevented from using any quest items in my bags until I’ve reloaded and a different addon gets the blame each time. After reloading it’s fine - until the next error…

This warning message would be displayed if an addon tries to perform a function/interaction it doesn’t have the necessary permissions for. The scripting language addons are written in (LUA) does have some very strict constraints in terms of accessible features, and there are some things that addons are simply not allowed to do (to prevent them e.g. automating gameplay processes, among other things) - there is no error in WoW involved here, the fault lies within the addon trying to perform a LUA-function that is not permissible.

Chances are it may need updating to comply with the current version of the game, but if that won’t suffice (or no viable update exists) we can only recommend to delete said addon and all its cached data.

It happens with random addons at random times though. For instance, the button i am using is linked to an addon but the error message that appears when using that button relates to another addon that i am not even trying to use.
This has happened prior to the patch but is now much worse.

Has there been any changes to the LUA constraints that perhaps have not been highlighted in the release notes?

I have the same problem. It’s got to the point I disable almost all my addons when I go into an instance. Running M+ and having your healer suddenly not be able to use any keybindings in the middle of a pull is less than ideal!

It is definitely an addon issue though, as with them disabled it works fine. TSM RiO and Handy Notes seem to be causing me the most problems at the moment, though they are updated and should be current. I also had an old Weak aura that was causing a few problems.

There were a few changes to LUA in 10.0 as is the case with basically every major patch, but nothing that was kept a secret. :slight_smile:

One detail that may need to be specifically highlighted here is that various addons also often interact with each other. This in turn may mean that two (individually speaking perfectly fine) addons can at times encounter seemingly random conflicts as soon as both are present and happen to interact with the same interface element. This is a pretty common issue with larger “collection”-type UI-mods that combine multiple features, but theoretically every single addon could potentially get into conflict with each and every other one - the amount of potentially conflict-inducing permutations here is obviously staggering, and just grows larger with the number of them installed.

what does blizzard have to do with addon errors? you need to wait for said addon to be updated to current wow version.

I’lll just highlight the highlight.

And WoW addons in general use libraries to avoid issue where multiple addons load the same code multiple times, but this, from what I understand, essentially links the addons and can cause the “taint” spread to unrelated addons.

Again, from what I understand this can also apply to Blizzard stock UI if there is a bug or some addon interacts with it. The DF made this worse because the way Edit mode combines all the different parts of the UI allowing the taint to spread. After editing the UI and saving it I suggest doing UI reload or relogging, just in case.

It does because all my addons show this msg. Don’t tell me that all of the addons authors don’t know how to code properly for 10.0 patch? that would be insane.

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