Escalating Russian BG problem

What has the race/gender of my character(s) to do with your reply?
Do i have to play Human Male for some reasons ?
What is this cringe reply anyway.

You have some things really weird sorted in your brain to bring this as argument.

Btw , i’ve had 3 Silence in my forum activity and neither of them for toxicity.

  • 1 Because i’ve uploaded 3 screenshots with auto bots from Sylvanas realm spamming external links on trade chat for illegal boosts - Name & Shame
  • 1 For opening a thread after my penalty which was against the rules.
  • 1 For trolling but i have no idea for which post it was.

I dont understand where you came up with ‘‘BeInG tOxIC’’ ,i couldnt care less about your opinion after all but just wondering.

Also there is a chance that even if i was toxic , im reformed now because i had my lesson which was to stop arguing with forum users where the conversation with them feels like i’m talking to a brickwall.

Farewell now.

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Well guys, we completely play together, win together, so be friends with us)


Nice clicking btw.

P.S. Random BG-s all about premades farming pugs. U can do tones threads about russian/german/french premades, but this will change nothing.

I’m one of those /afk guys. Simple reason I hate russian tactics. Against Russians a simple AV takes 2-3 hours. Since the rewards for fighting for the last resources is are non-existant I don’t feel like playing 2-3 hours for 300 honor.

If it was like the old style where you could buy pvp gear with honor I might stay and kill people but now. Everything is behind a stupid conquest point gate and RNG. Fast games > Long games.

Why are you torturing yourself and other players? Epic battlegrounds are a long way to victory through tactics and strategy. Play in ordinary battlefields of 10-15 players and try to afknit there)

I am not a professional player, I didn’t even stand close) Our goal is to get maximum pleasure from the _ team game_! The purpose of this video is to show that there is no division into races, nations, political views and so on. We played together, won together (yesterday we won 5 bg and everyone won, together, not dividing the Alliance by any signs)


We don’t speak English, you speak Russian - however, in communities we have a chance to agree on the rules of playing together in a premade team on the battlefield, as well as resist the same premade.

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мне насрать на… I’m not torturing myself it is the Russian tactics that torture me. Fighting for 600 resources for about 2 hour at a choke point with currently dozens of azerite lazerbeams and a 5-10 fps slideshow is not fun. So yes I afk out when I see that a Russian guy or team caps SF graveyard while we asked not to do that kindly (Мудак). I have lost so many bunkers to that boring longgggg Russian Жопа tactic I made me even proficient swearing in Russian.

No one likes this tactics, actually. This doing only HK premades, thats like to farm graveyards, when most of other enemy raid quit or sit afk. Most of casual players hates them even on RU side, coz 1 - games against them is just wasting of time and with them - the same + u can be kicked by abuse AFK sistem to free spots for their teammates thats not got pop in the same time.

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It’s right

Cope do not cry, if you do not want to live in society in a game, then you have to study - or change the game to solo. Download some sims and kill in the pool. Something like that. And in Warcraft you have to play by the rules invented before you and not by you.

That’s why I would love to see a filter. I have no grudge against Russians in general but 8/10 times I play against Russian teams it’s a chokepoint fight which takes ages[quote=“Аполоджайз-deathguard, post:239, topic:53640, full:true”]
Cope do not cry, if you do not want to live in society in a game, then you have to study - or change the game to solo. Download some sims and kill in the pool. Something like that. And in Warcraft you have to play by the rules invented before you and not by you.

I do not cry I just explain why I afk out and why I don’t want to torture myself playing this stupid tactic. About the society, I am so happy I do not live in your society I have been there for a longer period, I have witnessed your society and I almost died in your society for real. Based on my experiences with your society I chose not to live in your society. And if you wanna call a Russian tactic a ‘society’ well yes I afk out of your so called society. I am more happy waiting out 15 minute deserter buff than spending 2-3 hours farming HK’s.

And before you say or judge my society, go fix yours. It’s currently in an appalling state. пока пока!


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