Essences for Guardian

the essence on the second place in the bloodmallet is it a good trait?

If not could you please suggest which essences to use as minor? I cannot do the as it requires PVP and I am fed up doing it after doing with my main.

Thank you in advance.

Moreover, good guardians could you please tell me if I am gearing correctly.

For dungeons? the best major for your situation is ‘‘Anima of life & death’’

Also if you want the pvp essence but don’t actually pvp you can do invasions in warmode, each world quest warads 15 conquest

I have mentioned for the minor :slight_smile:

O s**t, i missed that

Personally i use Worldvein resonance rank 3 & Crucible rank 3, they work alright

glad that this will work, aiming the high keys but obviously not 20+ but anyways! Thank you very much!

For the record, highest i’ve done is +1’ed a 16, counting only in time ofc

could you please tell me if I am gearing correct as well?

Your azerite traits seems good :ok_hand:

and you seem to have gotten the idea of the stats

Mast>Vers>Haste>Crit ( Try to avoid crit n haste )

I am kind of lost between Mastery/Vers or Vers/Haste

Why haste? :thinking:

Could be because im also a raid tank, but i never saw any usage of haste & crit that impacts as hard as mast & vers

I have heard that haste/versa is good combination for dps


Then im not the guy to go to for dps, because that was new to me x)

If you are geared and beefy enough, when doing m+, Haste/Vers gives bear pretty good dps.
For minor Essences i recommend anything with Vers (Conflict/Aegis), or defensive ones depending on the week of m+ (Nulification Barrier for High Magic dmg).
I urge you to get some Rank 2 essences, and trying some out in a lower m+.
I myself would not recommend Worldvein, due to not many people using it to start with, and mainstat not being as good as Versa/Haste/Mast.

Edit: Conflict is too good not to try and get. I REALLY recommend.

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I only go dps tank when i do below 10 & my friends put it as minor often :slight_smile:

Unless my raid decide to ALL stack worldvein, i rarely see people using it. At the same time i rarely inspect people essence choice :stuck_out_tongue:

I suppose, when i tank dps i go dk most of the time since its more fun x)

Ehhh… gotta farm again… :disappointed_relieved::sweat_smile:

You want to know essences for what content? Raid or M+?

Raiding with main therefore tired of it, so yes for m+

Since you wont even try to get Conflict and Strife, go for:
Main: Vision of Perfection
Minor: Aegis of the Deep + Nullification Dynamo

Stat priority for M+ is Versa, Haste, Mastery, Crit

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