Estimated wait: ~27778 minutes

167 mins. hooraaaaaay

It only just occurred to me that I’m waiting in a queue so that I can wait in another queue.

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Yet again Blizzard fail big time and as usual they are NOT prepared! :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :scream:


its a joke. small indie company.
and you cant launch the game without the launcher because servers are incompatible. Why was there a preload?

What are you doing Blizzard?
When only a WoW pre patch can crush your login server then we are going too have a lot of fun when diablo 4 releases


Its a friggin joke of a service, a pre patch that hold no actual content, and still the login servers cant handle it.


167 minutes, but not accurate minutes, more like ‘each minute is actually 5 minute’ minutes.

Just stop queuing in BNet launcher. Launch WoW.exe to get past BNet queue. Took me 3 mins to get in

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Get in the folder you installed WoW, Retail and run wow.exe

You will instantly play (most likely)

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ye … i just stopped playing after 4 hours of non stop playing :slight_smile:

maybe dont try to log in in prime time aka 18-22 on first day of new patch :slight_smile:

lay off them guys they are a small indi company who had no idea that more than 10 people would try to log in at once!!

Or maybe not sack 800 staff to give your chief exec a $30 mill bonus?


Put Call of Duty on battlenet, brilliant idea.

Queue isn’t because of prepatch as much as it’s because of Cold war beta or whatever they got going on.

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Like all the old expansion. always the same complain…

Like all the old expansion. always the same exact same Ducking problems that blizzard has done nothing to resolve.

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Idk… i entered 10 mins ago and i had like 62 queue? Got in in 2 mins. :stuck_out_tongue:

But is just the pre patch. when SL will be launched will be worse

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Maybe this is the queue for the barber shop?

I’ve been waiting a good 40 mins, still not logged in the game and the already long 144 min timer has just jumped up to 200 mins :slight_smile:

i bypassed it by using the wow exe in the wow folder

Another awesome fail! Should rename ActiveBlizfail!


You guys have que?