Estimated wait: ~27778 minutes

If you have a place in a queue at 178 minutes and 30 mins later it goes up to 277 minutes how the hell does that work you were either in a queue or not in a queue who’s pushing in lol.

Hahaha From 160 again got 190 xDDDDD

The queue is infinite im sick of it

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There should be no problems atm.
This is only pre-patch.
What will happen on day one of SL when everyone wants to get a head start to be amongst the first to get to level 60 ?

Edit: tried manually launch and got at the end of the queue the following message:
“Due to suspected activity this account has been locked.”

Edit 2: Thank God I have to work tomorrow and I wasn’t planning to do anything in WoW today, except ditch some 415 ILV corrupted gear and equip some 455 ILV corrupted gear that had 75 corruption.
Wanted to remove the bones from my Forsaken priest since 2007.
Oh well I guess I can wait until Saturday.



getting level 60 will be easy, the challenge will be getting past the login queue


You gonna keep paying your montly fees.
All you can do is 2 things.

  1. Nothing.
  2. Like it.

Small indie company please understand


damn you guys are lucky i got a 500min que to even join my app

534 here… i hope to play today (if i launch the game directly after a short cue i entered but i cannot play because i have not updated the game).

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You know… You can enter in game even not using app . Only use launcher in files wow icon. I just remember that :joy:

Any fixes?

I did that when I woke up, so guessing still broke?

The log in situation was ridiculous, I anticipate it will be awhile before it gets better

You guys are getting to login screen ? O.o

Edit : What a lovely launch we will experience :slight_smile: WoD 2.0 ? :smiley:

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Issue with login again today…

queue -> dc -> queue -> dc

post edited

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I don’t mind being in que for some time,but i would like to get in once que is over instead of being dc-ed.

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  • ‘Login servers are full’
  • Position in queue: too long
  • Estimated time: too long
  • Logging into game server …
  • You have been disconnected (wow51900319)

Rinse and repeat.

I get 1 min estimated time but continually disconnect when I should’ve been let in :slight_smile:
Went to the forum to see if I could get some answers and they said the issue was solved in a post from yesterday which I’m not really inclined to believe as I still have the same problem…

Hopefully it gets sorted out soon, this is a nightmare every time