ETA on fix for server lag?

Any blue words about the issue? Saw only same crap about "gather your data and give it to us".
Not for nothing, but on Azuremyst we have clearly been having while the game/realm latency read 50/50. I mean i can literally count 2-3 seconds between pressing the button to shift to bear from on my druid and actually shifting. And that's just the more visible lag effect. All of this while still reading 50/50 latency. :(
Been in Stormsong Valley (Stormrage EU). Virtually unplayable. My pings are 23ms so I'm pretty confident it isn't at my end given the number of other people suffering.
Same happeing at Stormscale , Home and World MS is increasing to 100-1000 MS at dungeon or BG for 5 sec then it is decreasing , and increasing again, we are payin g for this game , but like 1 week we dont have fun to play , Blizzard pls fix this.
27/08/2018 07:27Posted by Saryzan
Hey Kyriel,

thanks for the heads-up on this one, I checked on Kilrogg for you and nothing out of the ordinary as far as I can see. Medium pop realm, so should be ok.

Also haven't seen any tickets on this from you yet that indicates we had a deep-dive so could you drop the following via [url=""]Pastebin [/url]for me so I can check:

*[url=""]Obtaining System Files[/url]
*[url=""]Running WinMTR[/url]

Once we have these we can try and help you better, thanks in advance!

And also you cheked the AH issue but find no problem (like you said 1 year ago)
31/08/2018 15:22Posted by Ruchan
It is a server side problem. Lack of hardware to handle the number of players, which always increases on an expansion launch. But nobody at Blizzard will ever admit they have this problem.

Yes m8 you are right , Blizzard blaming our hardware and isps , blizz should admit it
30/08/2018 15:23Posted by Bernadett
30/08/2018 14:51Posted by Invelth
Can confirm, game says I have around 35-40 ms latency but spell casting feels delayed by 200-400 ms, sometimes even worse than that.

Same here.
Latency hovers between 15-25 ms.
When the "Freeze" or "lag spike" or whatever you wanna call it happens, the latency doesn't change. I can chat without lag, often I can walk around, too.
Just all my spells do not react to any input, looting doesn't work, interacting with NPCs doesn't work.

This also happened while in dungeons, and then everybody had the same problem.
Low Latency, not being able to move, chat without delay, not being able to cast anything.

The problem is either client or server related.
Not network-related I think (because then the latency would spike, and things like chat etc would be delayed, too).

Same Problem i have , Blizzard not admit it is their fault , our router modem or pc and isp is problem not blizzard , come on Blizzar u will loose customers soon, if you dont admit this problem .
I wonder if we should ask for dxdiag information from Blizzard servers :)

Like MrBlue, your memory cache settings are all wrong.
And SMART information from one of your hard drives indicates it is failing! Replace it please!
Or you are using RAID 5 for your HDDs. Please replace it with RAID 10 and run an antivirus check while you are at it!
Come on, mate! Don't you have a DMZ server to fend off hackers? Please, invest in hiring a consultant on these matters ASAP!

That would be fun! Because on the players' side things are fine! Except for unexplicable crashes like here
What about the random shoot in world MS? Goes from 29-900 in a minute.

Edit : This only happens in BFA content
guys , i think blizzard fixed it , i did dungeon and never got a spike or latency problem .
02/09/2018 15:38Posted by Neurotoxin
02/09/2018 14:32Posted by Erleg
guys , i think blizzard fixed it , i did dungeon and never got a spike or latency problem .

Problems in bfa zones, not in dungeons.

No they didn sorry , it was my luck for dungeon :)

yes i know but this problem happens at bfa dungeons too , but false happiness , still having problem .
Realm: Argent Dawn, Stormwind city is permanently in lag and it is surely not just me.
I am dc'en again today, with the ingame ping to end at 1000ms.
I checked netstat on my pc, and found the ip i am connected with.
Here is the mtr pinging, showing two hosts not responding.
| WinMTR statistics |
| Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
| - 0 | 70 | 70 | 0 | 0 | 3 | 0 |
| - 0 | 70 | 70 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 0 |
| - 0 | 70 | 70 | 1 | 1 | 11 | 1 |
| - 0 | 70 | 70 | 13 | 14 | 36 | 14 |
| - 0 | 70 | 70 | 53 | 55 | 81 | 54 |
| No response from host - 100 | 15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| No response from host - 100 | 15 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
| - 0 | 70 | 70 | 54 | 58 | 209 | 54 |
| - 0 | 70 | 70 | 50 | 50 | 58 | 51 |

One of the hosts here, is an ip from Russia. Why the heck, when i am residing in Copenhagen Denmark, EU and connecting to the EU server, is something going to Russia, before connecting in Europe?
Blizzard had a silly idea that single post on AH made the populated servers slow. Well after their poor attempt to fix the lag, it just as bad or even worse in the evening. It litteraly takes 10-20 second to open a vendor just to sell my trash on Kazzak. I dont even use the AH but if I could, it would take me +10 min to post 1 item. It completely ruins my game experience and my faith in Blizzard. I'm seriously thinking about pausing my subscrition and play other games on Steam and stay away from Blizzard products in the future.
<span class="truncated">...</span>
Problems in bfa zones, not in dungeons.

No they didn sorry , it was my luck for dungeon :)

yes i know but this problem happens at bfa dungeons too , but false happiness , still having problem .

When i am in HC dungeon with my warlock, its like shooting, waiting for the next cast to be able for casting, and guess what really happened in the many seconds after, because evering stands still for 3 seconds, then 2 with movement and 3 with nothing aso. Just frustration over what eventually happened. I am not gonna renew my subscribtion if it isn't corrected by that time. This is directly unplayable as is.
Today i logged to do daily wqs, when i fly different zone, it lags some seconds and while that, i cant move. Also loading world map takes like 10 seconds, ms 55 and that happened only today. Since bfa starts i have had small delays, in legion i didnt had.
And still no official response or acknowledgment =/

If it's 1 reply, 1 topic they come with their stupid copy/paste FAQ responses.

But once the people realize they're not alone and start banding together in a 5-page, 95-replies (and growing) topic, Blue's are nowhere to be found anymore =/
Still lagging on Sunstrider/Shattered Halls. Movements and abilities feel like I'm playing on a potato and running at high ping.

Also, past 3 days have been horrible in terms of viewing the map and items. Everything is taking time to load. I had to give up trying to transmog because it was just annoying as hell.

Dalaran is a complete mess. Stuttering sounds, fps all over the place - 120,40,80,60.. and you can see players literally "blinking" instead of walking.

I literally don't know what to expect in the raid this week. If it stays like this it'll be a disaster.
03/09/2018 08:11Posted by Bernadett
And still no official response or acknowledgment =/

If it's 1 reply, 1 topic they come with their stupid copy/paste FAQ responses.

But once the people realize they're not alone and start banding together in a 5-page, 95-replies (and growing) topic, Blue's are nowhere to be found anymore =/

The main complaints thread was here
It was just closed with a thank you, no good results, and advice to continue the complaints here
As if people complained about AH only... They complained about all kinds of lag: combat, world questing, looting. Stuff like that. And Blizzard deigned to respond only to AH.
03/09/2018 08:11Posted by Bernadett
And still no official response or acknowledgment =/

If it's 1 reply, 1 topic they come with their stupid copy/paste FAQ responses.

But once the people realize they're not alone and start banding together in a 5-page, 95-replies (and growing) topic, Blue's are nowhere to be found anymore =/

The main complaints thread was here
It was just closed with a thank you, no good results, and advice to continue the complaints here
As if people complained about AH only... They complained about all kinds of lag: combat, world questing, looting. Stuff like that. And Blizzard deigned to respond only to AH.

Which is exactly why I didn't respond to that "new" topic.
They picked one issue from a 50-page long complaints thread, did some small thing about it, said thank you and act like everything is fixed =/