We are all 5/10 mythic looking for a home. We are open to transferring realms/faction (we are currently alliance). We would like to have a place to call home that we can socialise in and also progress heroic/mythic. We also like to achievement hunt and push m+.
My BNET is Yicky#2971
Hi guys!
I think you would be a great fit for us. Give this a read and tell me what you think. Looking forward to hearing from you guys
Progress: 10/10 Hc, 1/10 M
The guild was formed at the start of Shadowlands on the EU server Magtheridon with the name “To Hell and Back” as a reference to the rock song by Sabaton. The guild still exists on Magtheridon but the main operation is currently being directed from our new guild " Back From Hell". We just recently transferred over to Silvermoon for we consider it to be the most logical move for us. Besides raiding we do a lot of other stuff such as mythic plus runs regularly, …
hey guys
you might just be what we are looking for, please check out our post and lets get in touch (discord preferably)
Tasty Intentiions is a guild on the Dragonmaw / Haomarush / Stormreaver / Spinebreaker / Vashj server cluster and our current progress is 6/10 Mythic Castle Nathria
About Us
Comprised of a lot of long-time WoW players (some of us have been playing since vanilla) we focus on a laid-back, constructive and proactive atmosphere with absolutely no toxicity while raiding “only” 2 days a week. We are aiming for Cutting Edge (if not this tier then in 9.1 at the latest) so we try to spend our raid time…