Hey all,
Though technically I’m a returning player to WoW, I still kinda consider myself a newish player. I’ve never capped and I’ve never raided, but I’m looking to get back into it and experience the end game content.
I’m mostly looking for a chilled social guild that doesn’t mind helping out/putting up with someone with less experience, with the option to do higher level raid/dungeons later on.
Still kinda undecided between H and A, but will be starting at a lower level and working my way through questing.
Battlenet - McFrosty#21422
Any and all help is much appreciated =)
Hello there, were a small Horde guild on Twisting Nether, we want to focus on making friendships whilst levelling and doing the odd dungeon or so. Im a new-ish player myself but im learning more and more about the game and i have a few people around me in the guild who are willing to help! If your interested then please contact me at ackersass#2322
Thank you 
Strange Loop is a Horde guild based on Draenor, we are a reroll guild that just started less than a week ago. The whole concept was that people, returning or new, could pick a class and learn together without the pressures that can come from retail. It’s a social bunch who spend a lot of their game time completing dungeons together, voice chat optional, which would definitely give you that experience to learn and socialise.
We aren’t at raiding yet, as being a reroll we haven’t got people at max level (Our resident speed leveller is at 106). But end game content/raiding is absolutely something we are progressing towards, as soon as we get there
If that sounds good to you then let me know, and I’ll add your battlenet too as I’d be happy to help out in general too. Mine is #Desiderata2592.
International Eu is lf. socials + raider trials 
International is a guild located on Silvermoon (A) with both male and female.
Founded in July 2019. We are many different nationalities
together on the same goal. We have many unique exciting personalities.
We are having fun in raid but are quite during the boss pull.
The eternal palace 8/8 N 7/8 HC 
Heroic & Mythic raid
Mondays + Thursdays 7.00-10.00 ST.
Raidleader Hakuho
Item lvl 425+
Normal Raid
Tuesdays 7.00-10.00 ST.
Raidleader Lyrrae
Item lvl 400+
Mythic + training
Sundays 7.00-10.00 ST.
Officer Mollduran
Item lvl 400+
Contact guildmaster Tathiana
Battle net Tipe#2310
Discord Tathiana#8733
Hi there! If you’re still looking, we’re always looking to grow our guild community and are very welcoming to new players. Doesn’t matter if you’re more of a social player or interested in raiding
Please check us out as I think we’d fit what you’re looking for.
[H] <Lost Rowsdowers> Social Raiding Guild 8/8 HC - Recruiting
I could be interested of joining Desideratas clan as well if im welcomed. I just started playing went to alliance first but it just doesnt feel like home so i started lvling horde warlock today on Draenor server. I used to play at the cataclysm expansion so everything in this new wow is completely new to me and im just running around like a headless chicken
So friendly and social guild would be more than welcome. Welcome to add me to battle. net Seracia#2162
Hi #Desiderata2592,
I’m a complete novice to WOW and will be starting a hunter on Draenor
Do you have room for another?
I’ve plenty of MMORPG experience, just not with WOW so am looking for a guild to grow with which isn’t full of L33t D00dz, and your team look just the ticket