EU |Fury Warrior | Tarrens Mill | Returning Player LF Semi

Hello everyone,

I’m a returning player who started with Vanilla WoW and enjoyed hardcore raiding during The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King. Unfortunately, I had to step away from the game at the start of Cataclysm due to real-life commitments. Since then, I’ve dabbled in Classic and Season of Discovery, and explored a couple of expansions along the way.

With the recent launch of TWW, I’m excited to dive back into raiding. I boosted a character named Tuldrak, and I didn’t expect to get this excited about the expansion. As a result, I didn’t inform myself very well and made some mistakes in equipping my character at the beginning. However, I’m confident I can catch up quickly!

I’m looking for a guild that raids about twice a week, and I’m available every evening except for Fridays and Saturdays, which I reserve for family and friends.

I’m German but I’m eager to join an English-speaking guild, as I enjoy connecting with people from different countries.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

As I’m not able to change the Character showing up on my profile, here is the Armory-Link:

SaveCowEatPanda is now recruiting discord seduction stress testers. Preferably a counseling psychologist. REQ: Friendly, socially unacceptable, tirelessly talkative, spiritually intense. Knowledge of w**d growing is a bonus! and more details on [A][H] Europe [SaveCowEatPanda] 2011 International Gaming Community

Hiya, I think you’d be a operfect fit for our guild, feel free to add me on Discord: nying, or Bnet: Nying#21329 to have a chat :slight_smile: