EU Guild. Recruiting raiders and socials. We are big fans of beers, wine and boobs. And bums

Hi all.

We are a group of boys and girls who are raiding normal and HC

We are very chilled. Obviously the most hardcore thing is bring pots and don’t be too drunk that you stand in fire! ( I can be guilty of this)

Anyone from anywhere is welcome!

We raid Tuesdays and Thursdays. 8pm GMT (as most of us have children to choke out to sleep before raid).

We also help everyone with Mythic +. Alts are welcome. We just need a few more to help the core group then we are rock n roll :).

I’ve posted this on guild recruitment too so had to add this text to allow me to post here :slight_smile:

My Battlenet is vinow#2805

or message Stryka in game.

See you soon lovers.

hello , are you still looking for people?

sure are mate invite me on battlenet

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